CSS Cascading and Inheritance Level 3 CR Test Suite

Cascading (60 tests)

Test Refs Flags Info
+ 6 Cascading
c21-pseu-cls-000 Interact anchor
c21-pseu-id-000 Interact anchor
c31-important-000 = important
c32-cascading-000 = Cascading Order
cascade-001 User Style User style sheets
  • Normal user declarations override the default user agent style sheet.
cascade-002 User Style Author stylesheets override user stylesheets
  • Normal author declarations override normal user stylesheet declarations.
cascade-003 User Style Author rules with !important and a user stylesheet
  • Author rules using !important override user stylesheet rules.
cascade-004 User Style User stylesheet rules using !important and normal author rules
  • User stylesheet rules using !important override normal author rules.
cascade-005 = Redefining rules
  • The latter specified rule wins when having the same specificity and weight.
cascade-006 User Style User style sheets and redefining rules
  • The latter specified rule in a style sheet wins when having the same specificity and weight in user styles sheets.
cascade-007 = Author rules local and external
  • Author rules in embedded stylesheets override author rules in imported stylesheets.
cascade-import-002 HTTP Cascade: Ordering test with various import techniques
cascade-import-003 Cascade: Controlled delays with persistent sheets
cascade-import-004 Cascade: Controlled delays with persistent sheets (reversed)
cascade-import-005 Cascade: Controlled delays with two alternate sets
cascade-import-006 Cascade: Controlled delays with two alternate sets (reversed)
cascade-import-007 Cascade: Controlled delays with two alternate sets (link and meta)
cascade-import-008 Cascade: Controlled delays with two alternate sets (link and meta; reversed)
cascade-import-009 Cascade: Controlled delays with one alternate set
cascade-import-010 Cascade: Controlled delays with one alternate set (reversed)
cascade-import-011 Cascade: Controlled delays with one alternate set (link and meta)
cascade-import-012 Cascade: Controlled delays with one alternate set (link and meta; reversed)
default-stylesheet-001 Ahem Overriding the user agent default style sheet
  • User agent default style sheet settings can be overridden.
list-style-021 = Bitmaps list-style: none - followed by a list-style-image reset
  • A value of 'none' for the 'list-style' property sets both 'list-style-type' and 'list-style-image' to 'none'. If two declarations have the same weight, origin and specificity, then the latter specified wins.
sort-by-order-001 = Casdading order - sort by order specified
  • If 2 declarations have the same media, the same importance (normal or !important), the same origin (author, user or user agent) and the same specificity, then the latter specified wins.
+ 6.1 Cascade Sorting Order
important-transition-manual CSS Cascade: Author !important vs. Transitions
+ 6.2 Cascading Origins
+ 6.3 Important Declarations: the !important annotation
c31-important-000 = important
cascade-008 Shorthand properties with !important
  • Shorthand properties with !important apply to all direct sub-properties.
cascade-009 = Author rules with !important and other normal author rules
  • Author rules with !important override normal author rules.
cascade-009a = !important author rule in :first-letter pseudo-element
  • Author rules with !important have precedence over normal author rules.
cascade-009b = !important author rule in :first-line pseudo-element
  • Author rules with !important have precedence over normal author rules.
cascade-010 User Style User stylesheet rules with !important and !important author rules
  • User stylesheet rules with !important override !important author rules.
cascade-011 User Style User stylesheet rules with !important and normal user rules
  • User stylesheet rules with !important declarations override user stylesheet rules with normal declarations.
+ 6.4 Precedence of Non-CSS Presentational Hints
html-attribute-001 Attribute 'align' vs. CSS 'caption-side' specificity
  • Attribute 'align' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-002 Interact Attribute 'alink' vs. CSS active specificity
  • Attribute 'alink' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-003 Bitmaps Attribute 'background' vs. CSS 'background' specificity
  • Attribute 'background' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-004 Attribute 'bgcolor' vs. CSS 'background-color' specificity
  • Attribute 'bgcolor' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-005 Attribute 'border' vs. CSS border specificity
  • Attribute 'border' has 0 specificity and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-006 Attribute 'cellpadding' vs. CSS 'padding' specificity
  • Attribute 'cellpadding' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-007 Attribute 'cellspacing' vs. CSS border-spacing specificity
  • Attribute 'cellspacing' has 0 specificity and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-008 Attribute 'clear' vs. CSS 'clear' specificity
  • Attribute 'clear' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-009 = Attribute 'color' vs. CSS 'color' specificity
  • Attribute 'color' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-010 Attribute 'cols' vs CSS 'width' specificity
  • Attribute 'cols' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-011 Attribute 'width' vs. CSS 'width' specificity
  • Attribute 'width' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-012 Ahem Attribute 'face' vs. CSS 'font-family' specificity
  • Attribute 'face' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-013 Attribute 'valign' vs. CSS 'vertical-align' specificity
  • Attribute 'valign' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-014 Attribute 'frame' vs. CSS 'border' specificity
  • Attribute 'frame' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-015 Attribute 'rules' vs. CSS border specificity
  • Attribute 'rules' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-017 Attribute 'height' vs. CSS 'height' specificity
  • Attribute 'height' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-018 Bitmaps Attribute 'hspace' vs. CSS 'margin' specificity
  • Attribute 'hspace' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-019 Bitmaps Attribute 'vspace' vs. CSS 'margin' specificity
  • Attribute 'vspace' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-020 Attribute 'link' vs. CSS ':link' specificity
  • Attribute 'link' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-021 Attribute 'marginheight' vs. CSS 'margin' specificity
  • Attribute 'marginheight' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-022 Attribute 'marginwidth' vs. CSS 'margin' specificity
  • Attribute 'marginwidth' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-023 HTML 'noshade' attribute vs CSS color specificity
  • Attribute 'noshade' has 0 specificity and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-024 Attribute 'nowrap' vs. CSS 'white-space' specificity
  • Attribute 'nowrap' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-025 Attribute 'rows' vs CSS 'height' specificity
  • Attribute 'rows' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-027 Attribute 'size' vs CSS 'height' specificity
  • Attribute 'size' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-028 = Attribute 'text' vs. CSS 'color' specificity
  • Attribute 'text' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-029 HistoryInteract Attribute 'vlink' vs. CSS ':visited' specificity
  • Attribute 'vlink' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-precedence-001 = Element selector precedence
  • The 'color' attribute has a specificity equal to 0 which be overridden by subsequent style sheet rules.