6 Cascading |
c21-pseu-cls-000 |
Interact |
c21-pseu-id-000 |
Interact |
c31-important-000 |
= |
c32-cascading-000 |
= |
Cascading Order
cascade-001 |
User Style |
User style sheets
- Normal user declarations override the default user agent style sheet.
cascade-002 |
User Style |
Author stylesheets override user stylesheets
- Normal author declarations override normal user stylesheet declarations.
cascade-003 |
User Style |
Author rules with !important and a user stylesheet
- Author rules using !important override user stylesheet rules.
cascade-004 |
User Style |
User stylesheet rules using !important and normal author rules
- User stylesheet rules using !important override normal author rules.
cascade-005 |
= |
Redefining rules
- The latter specified rule wins when having the same specificity and weight.
cascade-006 |
User Style |
User style sheets and redefining rules
- The latter specified rule in a style sheet wins when having the same specificity and weight in user styles sheets.
cascade-007 |
= |
Author rules local and external
- Author rules in embedded stylesheets override author rules in imported stylesheets.
cascade-import-002 |
Cascade: Ordering test with various import techniques
cascade-import-003 |
Cascade: Controlled delays with persistent sheets
cascade-import-004 |
Cascade: Controlled delays with persistent sheets (reversed)
cascade-import-005 |
Cascade: Controlled delays with two alternate sets
cascade-import-006 |
Cascade: Controlled delays with two alternate sets (reversed)
cascade-import-007 |
Cascade: Controlled delays with two alternate sets (link and meta)
cascade-import-008 |
Cascade: Controlled delays with two alternate sets (link and meta; reversed)
cascade-import-009 |
Cascade: Controlled delays with one alternate set
cascade-import-010 |
Cascade: Controlled delays with one alternate set (reversed)
cascade-import-011 |
Cascade: Controlled delays with one alternate set (link and meta)
cascade-import-012 |
Cascade: Controlled delays with one alternate set (link and meta; reversed)
default-stylesheet-001 |
Ahem |
Overriding the user agent default style sheet
- User agent default style sheet settings can be overridden.
list-style-021 |
= |
Bitmaps |
list-style: none - followed by a list-style-image reset
- A value of 'none' for the 'list-style' property sets both 'list-style-type' and 'list-style-image' to 'none'. If two declarations have the same weight, origin and specificity, then the latter specified wins.
sort-by-order-001 |
= |
Casdading order - sort by order specified
- If 2 declarations have the same media, the same importance (normal or !important), the same origin (author, user or user agent) and the same specificity, then the latter specified wins.
6.4 Precedence of Non-CSS Presentational Hints |
html-attribute-001 |
Attribute 'align' vs. CSS 'caption-side' specificity
- Attribute 'align' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-002 |
Interact |
Attribute 'alink' vs. CSS active specificity
- Attribute 'alink' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-003 |
Bitmaps |
Attribute 'background' vs. CSS 'background' specificity
- Attribute 'background' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-004 |
Attribute 'bgcolor' vs. CSS 'background-color' specificity
- Attribute 'bgcolor' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-005 |
Attribute 'border' vs. CSS border specificity
- Attribute 'border' has 0 specificity and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-006 |
Attribute 'cellpadding' vs. CSS 'padding' specificity
- Attribute 'cellpadding' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-007 |
Attribute 'cellspacing' vs. CSS border-spacing specificity
- Attribute 'cellspacing' has 0 specificity and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-008 |
Attribute 'clear' vs. CSS 'clear' specificity
- Attribute 'clear' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-009 |
= |
Attribute 'color' vs. CSS 'color' specificity
- Attribute 'color' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-010 |
Attribute 'cols' vs CSS 'width' specificity
- Attribute 'cols' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-011 |
Attribute 'width' vs. CSS 'width' specificity
- Attribute 'width' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-012 |
Ahem |
Attribute 'face' vs. CSS 'font-family' specificity
- Attribute 'face' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-013 |
Attribute 'valign' vs. CSS 'vertical-align' specificity
- Attribute 'valign' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-014 |
Attribute 'frame' vs. CSS 'border' specificity
- Attribute 'frame' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-015 |
Attribute 'rules' vs. CSS border specificity
- Attribute 'rules' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-017 |
Attribute 'height' vs. CSS 'height' specificity
- Attribute 'height' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-018 |
Bitmaps |
Attribute 'hspace' vs. CSS 'margin' specificity
- Attribute 'hspace' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-019 |
Bitmaps |
Attribute 'vspace' vs. CSS 'margin' specificity
- Attribute 'vspace' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-020 |
Attribute 'link' vs. CSS ':link' specificity
- Attribute 'link' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-021 |
Attribute 'marginheight' vs. CSS 'margin' specificity
- Attribute 'marginheight' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-022 |
Attribute 'marginwidth' vs. CSS 'margin' specificity
- Attribute 'marginwidth' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-023 |
HTML 'noshade' attribute vs CSS color specificity
- Attribute 'noshade' has 0 specificity and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-024 |
Attribute 'nowrap' vs. CSS 'white-space' specificity
- Attribute 'nowrap' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-025 |
Attribute 'rows' vs CSS 'height' specificity
- Attribute 'rows' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-027 |
Attribute 'size' vs CSS 'height' specificity
- Attribute 'size' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-028 |
= |
Attribute 'text' vs. CSS 'color' specificity
- Attribute 'text' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-029 |
HistoryInteract |
Attribute 'vlink' vs. CSS ':visited' specificity
- Attribute 'vlink' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-precedence-001 |
= |
Element selector precedence
- The 'color' attribute has a specificity equal to 0 which be overridden by subsequent style sheet rules.