CSS Multi-column Layout Module Level 1 CR Test Suite

Filling Columns (19 tests)

Test Refs Flags Info
+ 7 Filling Columns
balance-break-avoidance-000 =
balance-break-avoidance-001 =
balance-orphans-widows-000 =
multicol-fill-balance-005 =
multicol-fill-balance-006 =
multicol-fill-balance-nested-000 =
  • Make sure that orphans and widows handling inside an inner balanced multicol container doesn't get messed up by the constraining height of an outer multicol container
multicol-span-all-012 =
+ 7.1 Column Balancing: the column-fill property
balance-grid-container = Balance a grid container
  • This test verifies a grid container in a balanced multicol container can have a balance multicol height.
columnfill-auto-max-height-001 = 'column-fill: auto' and height constrained of a multi-column container
  • This test verifies how content is distributed among columns when the height of a multi-column container is constrained and when 'column-fill' is set to 'auto'. In this test, the line box height is exactly 25px. So, content should fill 4 lines of the first column and should only fill up the first column. Since column rules are only drawn between two columns that both have content and since the test expects only 1 column filled with content, therefore the column rule should not be painted, thus the 'no red' test success condition.
columnfill-auto-max-height-002 = 'column-fill: auto' and height constrained of a multi-column container
  • This test verifies how content is distributed among columns when the height of a multi-column container is constrained and when 'column-fill' is set to 'auto'. In this test, the line box height is exactly 25px. So, content should fill 4 lines of the first column and should only fill up the first column. Since column rules are only drawn between two columns that both have content and since the test expects only 1 column filled with content, therefore the column rule should not be painted, thus the 'no red' test success condition.
multicol-dynamic-add-001 = Append a block to an empty inline element
  • This test checks that the block appended into an inline element should perform correct block-in-inline splitting, and balance the block's height into three columns.
multicol-fill-balance-002 = Balancing with more forced breaks than columns
  • This multicol container will create overflowing columns, no matter what, due to forced break. Don't overstretch.
multicol-fill-balance-003 =
multicol-fill-balance-004 =
multicol-rule-nested-balancing-001 = Test the column rules' block-size with nested balancing multicol container
  • This test verifies that the column-rules are extended to the content block-end edges of their corresponding inner and outer multicol container.
multicol-rule-nested-balancing-002 = Test the column rules' block-size with nested balancing multicol container
  • This test verifies that the column-rules are extended to the content block-end edges of their corresponding inner and outer multicol container, where the inner container has height: auto.
multicol-rule-nested-balancing-003 = Test the column rules' block-size with nested balancing multicol container
  • This test verifies that the column-rules are extended to the content block-end edges of their corresponding inner and outer multicol container.
multicol-rule-nested-balancing-004 = Test the column rules' block-size with nested balancing multicol container
  • This test verifies that the column-rules are extended to the content block-end edges of their corresponding inner and outer multicol container.