CSS Text Decoration Module Level 3 CR Test Suite Results

2: Line Decoration: Underline, Overline, and Strike-Through
ruby-text-decoration-015 / 2 / .2 / . / .8 / 1 / .. / 1 / .1 / . / .5 / . / .
text-decoration-0012 / . / .1 / 1 / .
text-decoration-0022 / . / .2 / . / .
text-decoration-0031 / 1 / .2 / . / .
text-decoration-0042 / . / 12 / . / .
text-decoration-0401 / . / .2 / . / .
text-decoration-040a1 / . / .2 / . / .
text-decoration-0412 / . / .2 / . / .1 / . / .
text-decoration-0441 / . / .2 / . / .1 / 1 / .
text-decoration-0451 / . / .2 / . / .1 / . / .
text-decoration-046a. / 3 / .2 / . / .1 / . / .
text-decoration-0481 / . / .2 / . / .1 / . / .
text-decoration-048a1 / . / .1 / 1 / .1 / . / .
text-decoration-0491 / . / .1 / 1 / .1 / . / .
text-decoration-0821 / . / .1 / 1 / .1 / . / .
text-decoration-0851 / . / .2 / . / .1 / . / .
text-decoration-0902 / . / .1 / . / .
text-decoration-090a1 / . / .2 / . / .
text-decoration-0911 / . / .2 / . / .
text-decoration-091a1 / . / .2 / . / .
text-decoration-0921 / 1 / .2 / . / .. / . / 2
text-decoration-092a1 / 3 / 12 / . / .. / 2 / .
text-decoration-095a1 / 2 / 12 / . / .
text-decoration-0961 / . / .2 / . / .
text-decoration-096a1 / 3 / 12 / . / .
text-decoration-0971 / . / .2 / . / .
text-decoration-097a1 / . / 12 / . / .
text-decoration-line-0011 / . / .2 / . / .
text-decoration-line-0021 / . / .2 / . / .
text-decoration-line-0031 / . / .2 / . / .
text-decoration-line-0041 / . / .2 / . / .
text-decoration-line-0401 / . / .2 / . / .
text-decoration-line-040a1 / 2 / .2 / . / .
text-decoration-line-0411 / . / .2 / . / .
text-decoration-line-0441 / . / .1 / 1 / .
text-decoration-line-0451 / . / .2 / . / .
text-decoration-line-046a1 / 2 / .2 / . / .
text-decoration-line-0481 / . / .2 / . / .
text-decoration-line-048a1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-decoration-line-0491 / . / .1 / . / .
text-decoration-line-0821 / . / .1 / . / .
text-decoration-line-0851 / 1 / 11 / . / .
text-decoration-line-0901 / . / 11 / . / .
text-decoration-line-090a1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-decoration-line-0911 / 1 / 11 / . / .
text-decoration-line-091a1 / 2 / 11 / . / .
text-decoration-line-0921 / . / .1 / . / .
text-decoration-line-092a1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-decoration-line-0951 / . / .1 / . / .
text-decoration-line-095a1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-decoration-line-0961 / . / .1 / . / .
text-decoration-line-096a1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-decoration-line-0971 / . / .1 / . / .
text-decoration-line-097a1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-decoration-propagation-011 / . / .. / 4 / .5 / 3 / .1 / 3 / .
text-decoration-propagation-dynamic-0011 / 1 / .1 / . / .6 / . / .1 / . / .
text-underline-position-0191 / . / .1 / . / 2
text-underline-position-0201 / . / .1 / 1 / .
text-underline-position-0211 / . / .1 / 1 / .
text-underline-position-0221 / . / .1 / 1 / .
text-underline-position-0711 / . / .1 / . / .
text-underline-position-072. / 3 / .. / 6 / .. / 1 / .
text-underline-position-0731 / . / .1 / 1 / .
text-underline-position-0741 / . / .1 / 1 / .
text-underline-position-0751 / . / .1 / 1 / .
text-underline-position-0761 / . / .1 / 1 / .
2.1: Text Decoration Lines: the text-decoration-line property
line-through-vertical3 / . / .3 / . / .
text-decoration-line1 / . / .2 / . / .
text-decoration-line-0103 / . / .1 / . / .6 / . / .1 / . / .
text-decoration-line-0112 / . / .. / 1 / .6 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-decoration-line-0121 / . / .. / 1 / .6 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-decoration-line-0131 / . / .. / 1 / .6 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-decoration-line-014. / 2 / 1. / 1 / .3 / 3 / .. / 1 / .
text-decoration-line-recalc1 / . / .1 / . / .
2.2: Text Decoration Style: the text-decoration-style property
text-decoration-style-computed1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-decoration-style-invalid1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-decoration-style-multiple1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-decoration-style-recalc1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-decoration-style-valid1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-underline-position-computed1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-underline-position-invalid1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-underline-position-valid1 / . / .1 / . / .
2.3: Text Decoration Color: the text-decoration-color property
text-decoration-color1 / . / .3 / . / .
text-decoration-color-computed1 / . / .2 / . / .
text-decoration-color-invalid1 / . / .2 / . / .
text-decoration-color-recalc1 / . / .2 / . / .
text-decoration-color-selection-0011 / 4 / .1 / 8 / .. / 1 / .
text-decoration-color-selection-0021 / 4 / 1. / 17 / 1. / 3 / .
text-decoration-color-selection-pseudo-011 / 2 / .1 / 5 / .. / 1 / .
text-decoration-color-valid1 / . / .2 / . / .
2.4: Text Decoration Shorthand: the text-decoration property
text-decoration-computed1 / 9 / .1 / 8 / .. / 2 / .
text-decoration-invalid1 / . / .2 / . / .
text-decoration-serialization.tentative. / 10 / 11 / 1 / .. / 1 / .
text-decoration-shorthand1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-decoration-valid. / 6 / .1 / 8 / .. / 1 / .
2.5: Text Underline Position: the text-underline-position property
text-decoration-subelements-0011 / 5 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-decoration-subelements-0021 / 6 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-decoration-subelements-0031 / 1 / .1 / . / .
text-decoration-underline-position-horizontal1 / . / .1 / . / .3 / 1 / .
text-decoration-underline-position-vertical1 / 3 / 4. / 3 / .2 / 3 / .
text-decoration-underline-position-vertical-ja1 / 1 / .. / 2 / .2 / 4 / .
text-underline-position-alphabetic-0011 / . / .1 / . / .
text-underline-position-auto-0011 / . / .1 / . / .
text-underline-position-left-0011 / . / .1 / . / .
text-underline-position-left-002. / 3 / .. / 6 / .. / 1 / .
text-underline-position-right-0011 / . / .1 / . / .
text-underline-position-right-0021 / . / 1. / 6 / .. / 1 / .
text-underline-position-under-0011 / 2 / 11 / 4 / .1 / . / .
underline-font-size-vlr-003. / 7 / .1 / . / .7 / . / .1 / 5 / .
underline-font-size-vlr-005. / 6 / 11 / . / .6 / 1 / .1 / 6 / .
underline-font-size-vrl-0022 / 6 / .1 / 1 / .7 / . / .. / 9 / .
underline-font-size-vrl-004. / 13 / .2 / 1 / .3 / 6 / .. / 8 / 1
underline-mixed-vlr-0032 / . / 11 / . / .6 / 1 / .5 / 1 / .
underline-mixed-vrl-002. / 7 / .1 / 1 / .3 / 5 / .3 / 3 / .
3: Emphasis Marks
text-emphasis-unrepresentable-characters1 / . / 11 / . / .
3.1: Emphasis Mark Style: the text-emphasis-style property
text-emphasis-style-0011 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-002. / 3 / .1 / 6 / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-006. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-007. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-008. / 3 / .1 / 5 / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-010. / 3 / .1 / 5 / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-012. / 3 / .1 / 5 / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-016. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-021. / 3 / .1 / . / 11 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-filled-001. / 3 / .. / 8 / 1. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-style-none-0011 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-open-001. / 3 / .. / 7 / 1. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-style-property-0011 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-002. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-003. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-004. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-005. / 3 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-style-property-005a. / 3 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-style-property-010cc1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-010cf1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-010cn1 / 1 / .1 / . / .5 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-010zl1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-010zp1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-010zs1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-011. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-011a. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-011b. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-012. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-012a. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-012b. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-012c. / 3 / .1 / . / .. / . / 1
text-emphasis-style-property-013. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-013a. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-013b. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-014. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-014a. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-014b. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-015. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-015a. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-015b. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-016. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-016a. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-017. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-017a. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-017b. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-018. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-018a. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-019. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-019a. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-020. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-property-020a. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-style-shape-001. / 3 / .1 / 4 / 1. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-style-string-001. / 3 / .1 / 4 / 1. / 1 / .
3.2: Emphasis Mark Color: the text-emphasis-color property
text-emphasis-color-001. / 5 / .1 / 8 / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-color-property-001. / 4 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-color-property-001a. / 4 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-color-property-001b. / 4 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-color-property-002. / 4 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
3.3: Emphasis Mark Shorthand: the text-emphasis property
text-emphasis-property-0011 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-property-002. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-property-003. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-property-003a. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-property-003b. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-property-004. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-property-004a. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
3.4: Emphasis Mark Position: the text-emphasis-position property
text-emphasis-line-height-001a. / 4 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-line-height-001b. / 4 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-line-height-001z. / 4 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-line-height-002a. / 5 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-line-height-002b. / 5 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-line-height-003a. / 4 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-line-height-003b. / 4 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-line-height-003c. / 4 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-line-height-003d. / 4 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-line-height-004a. / 5 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-line-height-004b. / 5 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-line-height-004c. / 5 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-line-height-004d. / 4 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-position-above-left-001. / 4 / .1 / 7 / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-position-above-left-002. / 4 / .. / 10 / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-position-above-right-001. / 4 / .1 / 7 / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-position-above-right-002. / 4 / .1 / 6 / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-position-below-left-001. / 4 / .. / 9 / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-position-below-left-002. / 4 / .. / 8 / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-position-below-right-001. / 4 / .. / 8 / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-position-below-right-002. / 4 / .1 / 5 / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-position-property-001. / 4 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-position-property-001a. / 4 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-position-property-001b. / 4 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-position-property-001c. / 4 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-position-property-002. / 4 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-position-property-002a. / 4 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-position-property-002b. / 3 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-position-property-002c. / 3 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-position-property-003. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-position-property-003a. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-position-property-003b. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-position-property-003c. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-position-property-003d. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-position-property-003e. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-position-property-003f. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-position-property-003g. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-position-property-004. / 3 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-position-property-004a. / 3 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-position-property-004b. / 3 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-position-property-004c. / 3 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-position-property-004d. / 3 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-position-property-004e. / 3 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-position-property-004f. / 3 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-position-property-004g. / 3 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-position-property-005. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-position-property-005a. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-position-property-005b. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-position-property-005c. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-position-property-005d. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-position-property-005e. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-position-property-005f. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-position-property-005g. / 3 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
text-emphasis-position-property-006. / 3 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-position-property-006a. / 3 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-position-property-006b. / 3 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-position-property-006c. / 3 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-position-property-006d. / 3 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-position-property-006e. / 3 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-position-property-006f. / 3 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-position-property-006g. / 3 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-ruby-001. / 3 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-ruby-002. / 3 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-ruby-003. / 3 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-ruby-003a. / 3 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-ruby-004. / 3 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
text-emphasis-ruby-004a. / 3 / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
4: Text Shadows: the text-shadow property
text-shadow-composition1 / 2 / .. / 8 / .. / 1 / .
text-shadow-computed3 / . / .1 / . / .
text-shadow-currentcolor32 / 10 / 4. / 1 / .18 / 1 / .. / 1 / .2 / 4 / 1
text-shadow-interpolation2 / 3 / .1 / . / 11 / . / .
text-shadow-invalid3 / . / .1 / . / .
text-shadow-valid3 / . / .1 / . / .
transition-property-0402 / . / .1 / . / .
Property Index
inheritance1 / 5 / 21 / 1 / .. / 1 / .

199 of 254 required tests meet CR exit criteria.

0 of 1 optional tests meet CR exit criteria.

55 required tests are considered valid and do not meet CR exit criteria.

0 required tests have blocking failures.

55 required tests might pass but lack data.

Additional results needed from:


Row color codes
two or more passes
* combo test passed by component tests
blocking failures
not enough results
reported as invalid
not passing, but optional
Result color codes
all results pass
pass reported, but also other results
all results fail
fail reported, but also other results
all results uncertain
reported as invalid
# pass / # fail / # uncertain