CSS Text Decoration Module Level 3 CR Test Suite

Emphasis Marks (133 tests)

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+ 3 Emphasis Marks
text-emphasis-unrepresentable-characters Script Emphasis marks for unrepresentable characters should not crash
+ 3.1 Emphasis Mark Style: the text-emphasis-style property
text-emphasis-style-001 = CSS Text Decoration Test - text-emphasis
  • Test checks that 'text-emphasis-style: none' shows no emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-style-002 = CSS Reference File
  • This test checks 'text-emphasis-style: filled dot;'
text-emphasis-style-006 = CSS Text Decoration Test - text-emphasis
  • Test checks 'text-emphasis-style: filled dot'
text-emphasis-style-007 = CSS Text Decoration Test - text-emphasis
  • Test checks 'text-emphasis-style: filled circle'
text-emphasis-style-008 = CSS Text Decoration Test - text-emphasis
  • Test checks that 'text-emphasis-style: filled double-circle'.
text-emphasis-style-010 = CSS Text Decoration Test - text-emphasis-style
text-emphasis-style-012 = CSS Reference File
  • This test checks 'text-emphasis-style: open dot;'
text-emphasis-style-016 CSS Text Decoration Test - text-emphasis
  • Test checks that [explanation of what you're trying to test].
text-emphasis-style-021 = CSS Text Decoration Test - text-emphasis
  • This test checks 'text-emphasis-style:string'.
text-emphasis-style-filled-001 = text-emphasis-style - filled - basic cases
  • This property applies emphasis marks to the element's text.
text-emphasis-style-none-001 = text-emphasis-style - none - basic cases
  • This property applies emphasis marks to the element's text.
text-emphasis-style-open-001 = text-emphasis-style - open - basic cases
  • This property applies emphasis marks to the element's text.
text-emphasis-style-property-001 = text-emphasis-style: none
  • text-emphasis-style: none does not produce any emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-style-property-002 = text-emphasis-style: string
  • 'text-emphasis-style: string' uses the given string as emphasis marks
text-emphasis-style-property-003 = text-emphasis-style: filled, vertical
  • 'text-emphasis-style: filled' produces U+FE45 as emphasis marks in vertical writing modes.
text-emphasis-style-property-004 = text-emphasis-style: open, vertical
  • 'text-emphasis: open sesame' produces U+FE46 as emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-style-property-005 = text-emphasis-style, vertical-rl
  • Emphasis marks must remain upright in vertical writing modes
text-emphasis-style-property-005a = text-emphasis-style, vertical-lr
  • Emphasis marks must remain upright in vertical writing modes
text-emphasis-style-property-010cc = text-emphasis, Cc
  • Emphasis marks should not be rendered for characters in general category Cc
text-emphasis-style-property-010cf = text-emphasis, Cf
  • Emphasis marks should not be rendered for characters in general category Cf
text-emphasis-style-property-010cn = text-emphasis, Cn
  • Emphasis marks should not be rendered for non-characters
text-emphasis-style-property-010zl = text-emphasis, Zl
  • Emphasis marks should not be rendered for characters in general category Zl
text-emphasis-style-property-010zp = text-emphasis, Zp
  • Emphasis marks should not be rendered for characters in general category Zp
text-emphasis-style-property-010zs = text-emphasis, Zs
  • Emphasis marks should not be rendered for characters in general category Zs
text-emphasis-style-property-011 = text-emphasis-style: filled dot
  • 'text-emphasis-style: filled dot' produces U+2022 as emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-style-property-011a = text-emphasis-style: dot filled
  • 'text-emphasis-style: dot filled' produces U+2022 as emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-style-property-011b = text-emphasis-style: dot
  • 'text-emphasis-style: dot' produces U+2022 as emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-style-property-012 = text-emphasis-style: filled circle
  • 'text-emphasis-style: filled circle' produces U+25CF as emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-style-property-012a = text-emphasis-style: circle filled
  • 'text-emphasis-style: circle filled' produces U+25CF as emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-style-property-012b = text-emphasis-style: circle
  • 'text-emphasis-style: circle' produces U+25CF as emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-style-property-012c = text-emphasis-style: filled, horizontal
  • 'text-emphasis-style: filled' produces U+25CF as emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-style-property-013 = text-emphasis-style: filled double-circle
  • 'text-emphasis-style: filled double-circle' produces U+25C9 as emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-style-property-013a = text-emphasis-style: double-circle filled
  • 'text-emphasis-style: double-circle filled' produces U+25C9 as emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-style-property-013b = text-emphasis-style: double-circle
  • 'text-emphasis-style: double-circle' produces U+25C9 as emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-style-property-014 = text-emphasis-style: filled triangle
  • 'text-emphasis-style: filled triangle' produces U+25B2 as emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-style-property-014a = text-emphasis-style: triangle filled
  • 'text-emphasis-style: triangle filled' produces U+25B2 as emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-style-property-014b = text-emphasis-style: triangle
  • 'text-emphasis-style: triangle' produces U+25B2 as emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-style-property-015 = text-emphasis-style: filled sesame
  • 'text-emphasis-style: filled sesame' produces U+FE45 as emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-style-property-015a = text-emphasis-style: sesame filled
  • 'text-emphasis-style: sesame filled' produces U+FE45 as emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-style-property-015b = text-emphasis-style: sesame
  • 'text-emphasis-style: sesame' produces U+FE45 as emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-style-property-016 = text-emphasis-style: open dot
  • 'text-emphasis-style: open dot' produces U+25E6 as emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-style-property-016a = text-emphasis-style: dot open
  • 'text-emphasis-style: dot open' produces U+25E6 as emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-style-property-017 = text-emphasis-style: open circle
  • 'text-emphasis-style: open circle' produces U+25CB as emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-style-property-017a = text-emphasis-style: circle open
  • 'text-emphasis-style: circle open' produces U+25CB as emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-style-property-017b = text-emphasis-style: open, horizontal
  • 'text-emphasis-style: open' produces U+25CB as emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-style-property-018 = text-emphasis-style: open double-circle
  • 'text-emphasis-style: open double-circle' produces U+25CE as emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-style-property-018a = text-emphasis-style: double-circle open
  • 'text-emphasis-style: double-circle open' produces U+25CE as emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-style-property-019 = text-emphasis-style: open triangle
  • 'text-emphasis-style: open triangle' produces U+25B3 as emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-style-property-019a = text-emphasis-style: triangle open
  • 'text-emphasis-style: triangle open' produces U+25B3 as emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-style-property-020 = text-emphasis-style: open sesame
  • 'text-emphasis-style: open sesame' produces U+FE46 as emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-style-property-020a = text-emphasis-style: sesame open
  • 'text-emphasis-style: sesame open' produces U+FE46 as emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-style-shape-001 = text-emphasis-style - shape - basic cases
  • This property applies emphasis marks to the element's text.
text-emphasis-style-string-001 = text-emphasis-style - string - basic cases
  • This property applies emphasis marks to the element's text.
+ 3.2 Emphasis Mark Color: the text-emphasis-color property
text-emphasis-color-001 = text-emphasis - color - basic cases
  • This property describes the foreground color of the emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-color-property-001 = text-emphasis-color: untouched
  • The color of emphasis marks should be the same as the text by default
text-emphasis-color-property-001a = text-emphasis-color: initial
  • The color of emphasis marks should be the same as the text for initial value
text-emphasis-color-property-001b = text-emphasis-color: initial from text-emphasis
  • The color of emphasis marks should be the same as the text by default
text-emphasis-color-property-002 = text-emphasis-color: green
  • Emphasis marks should be rendered with color specified by text-emphasis-color.
+ 3.3 Emphasis Mark Shorthand: the text-emphasis property
text-emphasis-property-001 = text-emphasis: none
  • text-emphasis: none does not produce any emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-property-002 = text-emphasis: string
  • 'text-emphasis: string' uses the given string as emphasis marks
text-emphasis-property-003 = text-emphasis: circle
  • 'text-emphasis: circle' produces U+25CF as emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-property-003a = text-emphasis: filled
  • 'text-emphasis: filled' produces U+25CF as emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-property-003b = text-emphasis: filled circle
  • 'text-emphasis: filled circle' produces U+25CF as emphasis marks.
text-emphasis-property-004 = text-emphasis: circle green
  • Emphasis marks should be rendered with color specified by text-emphasis.
text-emphasis-property-004a = text-emphasis: green circle
  • Emphasis marks should be rendered with color specified by text-emphasis.
+ 3.4 Emphasis Mark Position: the text-emphasis-position property
text-emphasis-line-height-001a = text-emphasis line height, top, horizontal-tb, div
  • text emphasis marks should expand the line height like ruby if necessary
text-emphasis-line-height-001b = text-emphasis line height, top, horizontal-tb, span
  • text emphasis marks should expand the line height like ruby if necessary
text-emphasis-line-height-001z = text-emphasis line height, top, textarea
  • text emphasis marks should expand the line height like ruby if necessary
text-emphasis-line-height-002a = text-emphasis line height, bottom, horizontal-tb, div
  • text emphasis marks should expand the line height like ruby if necessary
text-emphasis-line-height-002b = text-emphasis line height, bottom, horizontal-tb, span
  • text emphasis marks should expand the line height like ruby if necessary
text-emphasis-line-height-003a = text-emphasis line height, right, vertical-rl, div
  • text emphasis marks should expand the line height like ruby if necessary
text-emphasis-line-height-003b = text-emphasis line height, right, vertical-rl, span
  • text emphasis marks should expand the line height like ruby if necessary
text-emphasis-line-height-003c = text-emphasis line height, right, vertical-lr, div
  • text emphasis marks should expand the line height like ruby if necessary
text-emphasis-line-height-003d = text-emphasis line height, right, vertical-lr, span
  • text emphasis marks should expand the line height like ruby if necessary
text-emphasis-line-height-004a = text-emphasis line height, left, vertical-rl, div
  • text emphasis marks should expand the line height like ruby if necessary
text-emphasis-line-height-004b = text-emphasis line height, left, vertical-rl, span
  • text emphasis marks should expand the line height like ruby if necessary
text-emphasis-line-height-004c = text-emphasis line height, left, vertical-lr, div
  • text emphasis marks should expand the line height like ruby if necessary
text-emphasis-line-height-004d = text-emphasis line height, left, vertical-lr, span
  • text emphasis marks should expand the line height like ruby if necessary
text-emphasis-position-above-left-001 = Ahem text-emphasis-position - above left - basic cases
  • This property describes where emphasis marks are drawn at.
text-emphasis-position-above-left-002 = Ahem text-emphasis-position - above left - basic cases
  • This property describes where emphasis marks are drawn at.
text-emphasis-position-above-right-001 = Ahem text-emphasis-position - above right - basic cases
  • This property describes where emphasis marks are drawn at.
text-emphasis-position-above-right-002 = Ahem text-emphasis-position - above right - basic cases
  • This property describes where emphasis marks are drawn at.
text-emphasis-position-below-left-001 = Ahem text-emphasis-position - below left - basic cases
  • This property describes where emphasis marks are drawn at.
text-emphasis-position-below-left-002 = Ahem text-emphasis-position - below left - basic cases
  • This property describes where emphasis marks are drawn at.
text-emphasis-position-below-right-001 = Ahem text-emphasis-position - below right - basic cases
  • This property describes where emphasis marks are drawn at.
text-emphasis-position-below-right-002 = Ahem text-emphasis-position - below right - basic cases
  • This property describes where emphasis marks are drawn at.
text-emphasis-position-property-001 = text-emphasis-position: over right, horizontal-tb
  • 'text-emphasis-position: over right' with 'writing-mode: horizontal-tb' puts emphasis marks over the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-001a = text-emphasis-position: right over, horizontal-tb
  • 'text-emphasis-position: right over' with 'writing-mode: horizontal-tb' puts emphasis marks over the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-001b = text-emphasis-position: over left, horizontal-tb
  • 'text-emphasis-position: over left' with 'writing-mode: horizontal-tb' puts emphasis marks over the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-001c = text-emphasis-position: left over, horizontal-tb
  • 'text-emphasis-position: left over' with 'writing-mode: horizontal-tb' puts emphasis marks over the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-002 = text-emphasis-position: under right, horizontal-tb
  • 'text-emphasis-position: under right' with 'writing-mode: horizontal-tb' puts emphasis marks under the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-002a = text-emphasis-position: right under, horizontal-tb
  • 'text-emphasis-position: right under' with 'writing-mode: horizontal-tb' puts emphasis marks under the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-002b = text-emphasis-position: under left, horizontal-tb
  • 'text-emphasis-position: under left' with 'writing-mode: horizontal-tb' puts emphasis marks under the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-002c = text-emphasis-position: left under, horizontal-tb
  • 'text-emphasis-position: left under' with 'writing-mode: horizontal-tb' puts emphasis marks under the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-003 = text-emphasis-position: right over, vertical-rl
  • 'text-emphasis-position: right over' with 'writing-mode: vertical-rl' puts emphasis marks to the right of the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-003a = text-emphasis-position: over right, vertical-rl
  • 'text-emphasis-position: over right' with 'writing-mode: vertical-rl' puts emphasis marks to the right of the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-003b = text-emphasis-position: right under, vertical-rl
  • 'text-emphasis-position: right under' with 'writing-mode: vertical-rl' puts emphasis marks to the right of the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-003c = text-emphasis-position: under right, vertical-rl
  • 'text-emphasis-position: under right' with 'writing-mode: vertical-rl' puts emphasis marks to the right of the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-003d = text-emphasis-position: right over, vertical-lr
  • 'text-emphasis-position: right over' with 'writing-mode: vertical-lr' puts emphasis marks to the right of the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-003e = text-emphasis-position: over right, vertical-lr
  • 'text-emphasis-position: over right' with 'writing-mode: vertical-lr' puts emphasis marks to the right of the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-003f = text-emphasis-position: right under, vertical-lr
  • 'text-emphasis-position: right under' with 'writing-mode: vertical-lr' puts emphasis marks to the right of the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-003g = text-emphasis-position: under right, vertical-lr
  • 'text-emphasis-position: under right' with 'writing-mode: vertical-lr' puts emphasis marks to the right of the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-004 = text-emphasis-position: left over, vertical-rl
  • 'text-emphasis-position: left over' with 'writing-mode: vertical-rl' puts emphasis marks to the left of the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-004a = text-emphasis-position: over left, vertical-rl
  • 'text-emphasis-position: over left' with 'writing-mode: vertical-rl' puts emphasis marks to the left of the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-004b = text-emphasis-position: left under, vertical-rl
  • 'text-emphasis-position: left under' with 'writing-mode: vertical-rl' puts emphasis marks to the left of the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-004c = text-emphasis-position: under left, vertical-rl
  • 'text-emphasis-position: under left' with 'writing-mode: vertical-rl' puts emphasis marks to the left of the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-004d = text-emphasis-position: left over, vertical-lr
  • 'text-emphasis-position: left over' with 'writing-mode: vertical-lr' puts emphasis marks to the left of the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-004e = text-emphasis-position: over left, vertical-lr
  • 'text-emphasis-position: over left' with 'writing-mode: vertical-lr' puts emphasis marks to the left of the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-004f = text-emphasis-position: left under, vertical-lr
  • 'text-emphasis-position: left under' with 'writing-mode: vertical-lr' puts emphasis marks to the left of the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-004g = text-emphasis-position: under left, vertical-lr
  • 'text-emphasis-position: under left' with 'writing-mode: vertical-lr' puts emphasis marks to the left of the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-005 = text-emphasis-position: right over, vertical-rl, sideways
  • 'text-emphasis-position: right over' with 'writing-mode: vertical-rl' puts emphasis marks to the right of the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-005a = text-emphasis-position: over right, vertical-rl, sideways
  • 'text-emphasis-position: over right' with 'writing-mode: vertical-rl' puts emphasis marks to the right of the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-005b = text-emphasis-position: right under, vertical-rl, sideways
  • 'text-emphasis-position: right under' with 'writing-mode: vertical-rl' puts emphasis marks to the right of the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-005c = text-emphasis-position: under right, vertical-rl, sideways
  • 'text-emphasis-position: under right' with 'writing-mode: vertical-rl' puts emphasis marks to the right of the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-005d = text-emphasis-position: right over, vertical-lr, sideways
  • 'text-emphasis-position: right over' with 'writing-mode: vertical-lr' puts emphasis marks to the right of the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-005e = text-emphasis-position: over right, vertical-lr, sideways
  • 'text-emphasis-position: over right' with 'writing-mode: vertical-lr' puts emphasis marks to the right of the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-005f = text-emphasis-position: right under, vertical-lr, sideways
  • 'text-emphasis-position: right under' with 'writing-mode: vertical-lr' puts emphasis marks to the right of the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-005g = text-emphasis-position: under right, vertical-lr, sideways
  • 'text-emphasis-position: under right' with 'writing-mode: vertical-lr' puts emphasis marks to the right of the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-006 = text-emphasis-position: left over, vertical-rl, sideways
  • 'text-emphasis-position: left over' with 'writing-mode: vertical-rl' puts emphasis marks to the left of the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-006a = text-emphasis-position: over left, vertical-rl, sideways
  • 'text-emphasis-position: over left' with 'writing-mode: vertical-rl' puts emphasis marks to the left of the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-006b = text-emphasis-position: left under, vertical-rl, sideways
  • 'text-emphasis-position: left under' with 'writing-mode: vertical-rl' puts emphasis marks to the left of the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-006c = text-emphasis-position: under left, vertical-rl, sideways
  • 'text-emphasis-position: under left' with 'writing-mode: vertical-rl' puts emphasis marks to the left of the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-006d = text-emphasis-position: left over, vertical-lr, sideways
  • 'text-emphasis-position: left over' with 'writing-mode: vertical-lr' puts emphasis marks to the left of the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-006e = text-emphasis-position: over left, vertical-lr, sideways
  • 'text-emphasis-position: over left' with 'writing-mode: vertical-lr' puts emphasis marks to the left of the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-006f = text-emphasis-position: left under, vertical-lr, sideways
  • 'text-emphasis-position: left under' with 'writing-mode: vertical-lr' puts emphasis marks to the left of the text.
text-emphasis-position-property-006g = text-emphasis-position: under left, vertical-lr, sideways
  • 'text-emphasis-position: under left' with 'writing-mode: vertical-lr' puts emphasis marks to the left of the text.
text-emphasis-ruby-001 = text-emphasis and ruby, horizontal-tb, top
  • emphasis marks are drawn outside the ruby
text-emphasis-ruby-002 = text-emphasis and ruby, horizontal-tb, bottom
  • emphasis marks are drawn outside the ruby
text-emphasis-ruby-003 = text-emphasis and ruby, vertical-rl, right
  • emphasis marks are drawn outside the ruby
text-emphasis-ruby-003a = text-emphasis and ruby, vertical-lr, right
  • emphasis marks are drawn outside the ruby
text-emphasis-ruby-004 = text-emphasis and ruby, vertical-rl, left
  • emphasis marks are drawn outside the ruby
text-emphasis-ruby-004a = text-emphasis and ruby, vertical-lr, left
  • emphasis marks are drawn outside the ruby