CSS Values and Units Module Level 3 CR Test Suite

Distance Units: the type (44 tests)

Test Refs Flags Info
+ 5 Distance Units: the type
numbers-units-005 = Optional unit identifier after 0
  • After a zero length, the unit identifier is not necessary.
numbers-units-006 = Invalid Unsupported negative values
  • If a negative length value is set on a property that does not allow negative length values, the declaration is ignored.
+ 5.1 Relative Lengths
+ 5.1.1 Font-relative Lengths: the em, ex, ch, rem units
ch-unit-001 = support for the ch unit
  • The ch unit is equal to the used advance measure of the 0 (ZERO, U+0030) glyph found in the font used to render it.
ch-unit-002 = the ch unit in vertical orientation
  • In vertical upright, the ch unit is equal to the used vertical advance measure of the 0 (ZERO, U+0030) glyph found in the font used to render it.
ch-unit-003 = support for the ch unit
  • In vertical mixed, The ch unit is equal to the used horizontal advance measure of the 0 (ZERO, U+0030) glyph found in the font used to render it.
ch-unit-004 = support for the ch unit
  • In vertical sideways, The ch unit is equal to the used horizontal advance measure of the 0 (ZERO, U+0030) glyph found in the font used to render it.
ch-unit-008 = ch unit in width (basic)
ch-unit-009 = ch unit in height (basic)
ch-unit-010 = ch unit in height with 'text-orientation: mixed'
  • In this test, the ch unit is the advance width measure of the 0 (ZERO, U+0030) glyph.
ch-unit-011 = ch unit in height with 'text-orientation: upright'
  • In this test, the ch unit is the advance height measure of the 0 (ZERO, U+0030) glyph.
ch-unit-012 = ch unit in height with 'text-orientation: sideways'
  • In this test, the ch unit is the advance width measure of the 0 (ZERO, U+0030) glyph.
ch-unit-016 = support for the ch unit
  • The ch unit is equal to 0em if the zero glyph's advance is 0.
ch-unit-017 = support for the ch unit
  • In vertical upright writing modes, the ch unit is equal to the vertical advance of the zero glyph.
ch-units-vrl-001 = upright vertical writing mode and ch unit on table rows
  • The font-metric dependent ch unit on table rows takes the writing mode (with upright text-orientation) into account, even though theses properties do not apply to that element.
ch-units-vrl-002 = upright vertical writing mode and ch unit on table row groups
  • The font-metric dependent ch unit on table row groups takes the writing mode (with upright text-orientatino) into account, even though these properties do not apply to that element.
ch-units-vrl-003 = upright vertical writing mode and ch unit on table columns
  • The font-metric dependent ch unit on table columns takes the writing mode (with upright orientation) into account, even though these properties do no apply to that element.
ch-units-vrl-004 = upright vertical writing mode and ch unit on table column groups
  • The font-metric dependent ch unit on table column groups takes the writing mode (with upright text-orientation) into account, even though these properties do not apply to that element.
ch-units-vrl-005 = sideways vertical writing mode and ch unit on table rows
  • The font-metric dependent ch unit on table rows takes the writing mode (with a sideways text-orientation) into account, even though theese properties do not apply to that element.
ch-units-vrl-006 = sideways vertical writing mode and ch unit on table row groups
  • The font-metric dependent ch unit on table row groups takes the writing mode (with a sideways text-orientation) into account, even though these properties do not apply to that element.
ch-units-vrl-007 = sideways vertical writing mode and ch unit on table columns
  • The font-metric dependent ch unit on table columns takes the writing mode (with a sideways orientation) into account, even though these properties do not apply to that element.
ch-units-vrl-008 = sideways vertical writing mode and ch unit on table column groups
  • The font-metric dependent ch unit on table column groups takes the writing mode (with a sideways orientation) into account, even though theses properties do not apply to that element.
ex-unit-002 = support for the ex unit
  • The ex unit equals the x-height of the first available font if it has reliable metrics for the x-height.
ex-unit-003 = support for the ex unit
  • Even in vertical writing modes, the ex unit equals the x-height of the first available font if it has reliable metrics for the x-height.
ex-unit-004 = support for the ex unit
  • The ex unit equals the x-height of the first available font if it has reliable metrics for the x-height.
line-break-ch-unit Script Lines of the ch unit can fit the specified number of characters
numbers-units-007 = Ahem Em sizes
  • The 'em' unit is equal to the computed value of the 'font-size' property (default) of the element on which it is used.
numbers-units-009 = Ahem Em size with the font-size set to px size
  • The 'em' unit is equal to the computed value of the 'font-size' property (pixels) of the element on which it is used.
numbers-units-010 = Ahem Em size with font-size set to inch
  • The 'em' unit is equal to the computed value of the 'font-size' property (inches) of the element on which it is used.
numbers-units-011 = Ahem Em size with font-size set to em
  • When 'em' is assigned in the value of the 'font-size' property itself, it uses the font size of the parent element.
numbers-units-012 = Ahem Em size with font-size set to ex
  • The 'em' unit is equal to the computed value of the 'font-size' property (ex) of the element on which it is used.
numbers-units-013 = Ahem Em size with font-size set to percentage
  • The 'em' unit is equal to the computed value of the 'font-size' property of the element on which it is used.
numbers-units-015 = = AhemRecommend Height of EX
  • In the cases where it is impossible or impractical to determine the x-height, a value of 0.5em should be used.
numbers-units-019 = Ahem First available font defines the 'ex' unit size
  • The 'ex' unit size is defined by the element's first available font.
units-001 = Ahem Units: Equivalence
units-002 = Ahem Units: ex
units-003 = Ahem Units: ex
units-004 = Ahem Units: ex
units-005 = Units: em (0.87em floats)
units-009 = Ahem Units: px and dependent font-size
+ 5.1.2 Viewport-percentage Lengths: the vw, vh, vmin, vmax units
+ 5.2 Absolute Lengths: the cm, mm, Q, in, pt, pc, px units
absolute-length-units-001 Script absolute length units test
q-unit-case-insensitivity-001 = case-insensitivity of Q unit (quarter-millimeter)
  • This test checks that 'Q' unit is case-insensitive.
q-unit-case-insensitivity-002 = case-insensitivity of Q unit (quarter-millimeter)
  • This test checks that 'Q' unit is case-insensitive.
units-001 = Ahem Units: Equivalence
units-006 = Ahem Units: px and font-size
units-008 = Ahem Units: px and inherited font-size