CSS Writing Modes Module Level 3 CR Test Suite

Introduction to Writing Modes (13 tests)

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+ 1 Introduction to Writing Modes
cursor-text-001 InteractOptional cursor:text with vertical text
  • User agents may automatically display a horizontal I-beam/cursor (e.g. same as the vertical-text keyword) for vertical text.
+ 1.1 Module Interactions
ch-units-vrl-001 = upright vertical writing mode and ch unit on table rows
  • The font-metric dependent ch unit on table rows takes the writing mode (with upright text-orientation) into account, even though theses properties do not apply to that element.
ch-units-vrl-002 = upright vertical writing mode and ch unit on table row groups
  • The font-metric dependent ch unit on table row groups takes the writing mode (with upright text-orientatino) into account, even though these properties do not apply to that element.
ch-units-vrl-003 = upright vertical writing mode and ch unit on table columns
  • The font-metric dependent ch unit on table columns takes the writing mode (with upright orientation) into account, even though these properties do no apply to that element.
ch-units-vrl-004 = upright vertical writing mode and ch unit on table column groups
  • The font-metric dependent ch unit on table column groups takes the writing mode (with upright text-orientation) into account, even though these properties do not apply to that element.
ch-units-vrl-005 = sideways vertical writing mode and ch unit on table rows
  • The font-metric dependent ch unit on table rows takes the writing mode (with a sideways text-orientation) into account, even though theese properties do not apply to that element.
ch-units-vrl-006 = sideways vertical writing mode and ch unit on table row groups
  • The font-metric dependent ch unit on table row groups takes the writing mode (with a sideways text-orientation) into account, even though these properties do not apply to that element.
ch-units-vrl-007 = sideways vertical writing mode and ch unit on table columns
  • The font-metric dependent ch unit on table columns takes the writing mode (with a sideways orientation) into account, even though these properties do not apply to that element.
ch-units-vrl-008 = sideways vertical writing mode and ch unit on table column groups
  • The font-metric dependent ch unit on table column groups takes the writing mode (with a sideways orientation) into account, even though theses properties do not apply to that element.
logical-props-001 = writing-modes and logical props: tr
  • The logical properties on table rows are resolved taking the writing mode of the element into account, even though the writing mode property does not apply to that element.
logical-props-002 = writing-modes and logical props: tbody
  • The logical properties on table row groups are resolved taking the writing mode of the element into account, even though the writing mode property does not apply to that element.
logical-props-003 = writing-modes and logical props: col
  • The logical properties on table columns are resolved taking the writing mode of the element into account, even though the writing mode property does not apply to that element.
logical-props-004 = writing-modes and logical props: colgroup
  • The logical properties on table column groups are resolved taking the writing mode of the element into account, even though the writing mode property does not apply to that element.
+ 1.2 Value Types and Terminology