6 Assigning property values, Cascading, and Inheritance
at-import-001 |
@import not as the first declaration
- An @import is ignored if it is not the first statement in a style block.
at-import-002 |
Importing external stylesheets with @import
- An @import used to import external stylesheets.
at-import-003 |
Importing styles using @import with a string
- An @import used with just a string is interpreted as if it had url(...) around it.
at-import-004 |
Media dependency on @import set to 'print'
- Specifying a media-dependency of print does not apply rules to the user agent display.
at-import-005 |
Media dependency on @import set to 'all'
- Specifying the media-dependency of 'all' applies to all media types including user agent display.
at-import-006 |
Media dependency on @import set to 'screen'
- Specifying the media-dependent import rules to 'screen' applies to user agent display.
at-import-007 |
@import with @charset
- An @import is valid after @charset.
html-precedence-002 |
Universal selector precedence
- The universal selector and the 'color' attribute have the same specificity. The universal selector is applied since CSS takes precedence.
html-precedence-003 |
User |
User style sheet precedence
- The 'font' element's 'color' attribute trumps the user stylesheet's universal selector. They have the same specificity but the font element is a virtual author rule.
inherited-value-002 |
Ahem |
Inheriting computed values
- The computed value of a font-size with a percentage is the percentage of its parent's font-size value. A nested element which also has a percentage applies the parents' specified value (which is inherited).
user-stylesheet-001 |
User |
User defined stylesheet can be applied
- User stylesheet can be applied to the page.
user-stylesheet-002 |
InteractUser |
User defined stylesheet can be applied and persisted
- The user stylesheet is still applied after close and reopen the user agent window.
user-stylesheet-003 |
User |
Rules with normal declarations in an user defined stylesheet can be overriden by rules with normal declarations from author in a style block
- A CSS rule (with normal - not !important - declarations) in an author style sheet have more weight than a CSS rule (with normal - not !important -declarations) in an user style sheet.
user-stylesheet-004 |
User |
Rules with normal declarations in an user defined stylesheet can be overriden by normal declarations from author in an inline style attribute
- A normal - not !important - declaration in an inline style from author have more weight than a CSS rule (with normal - not !important -) declarations in an user style sheet.
user-stylesheet-005 |
User |
Descendant selector defined in user stylesheet can be applied
- The descendant selector defined in user stylesheet is applied to the appropriate element.
user-stylesheet-006 |
User |
Child selector defined in user stylesheet can be applied
- The child selector defined in user stylesheet is applied to the appropriate element.
user-stylesheet-007 |
User |
Adjacent sibling selector defined in user stylesheet can be applied
- The adjacent sibling selector defined in user stylesheet is applied to the appropriate element.
user-stylesheet-008 |
User |
Attribute selector defined in user stylesheet can be applied
- The attribute selector defined in user stylesheet is applied to the appropriate element.
user-stylesheet-009 |
User |
ID selector defined in user stylesheet can be applied
- The ID selector defined in user stylesheet is applied to the appropriate element.
user-stylesheet-010 |
User |
Pseudo-class selector :first-child defined in user stylesheet can be applied
- The pseudo-class selector :first-child defined in user stylesheet is applied to the first child of an element.
user-stylesheet-011 |
User |
Pseudo-element first-line selector defined in user stylesheet can be applied
- The pseudo-element selector :first-line defined in user stylesheet is applied to the first line of an element.
user-stylesheet-012 |
HistoryUser |
Link defined in user stylesheet can be applied
- The pseudo-class selector :link defined in user stylesheet is applied to all links.
user-stylesheet-013 |
InteractUser |
Visited selector defined in user stylesheet can be applied
- The pseudo-class selector :visited defined in user stylesheet is applied when a link has already been visited.
user-stylesheet-014 |
InteractUser |
Hover defined in user stylesheet can be applied
- The pseudo-class selector :hover defined in user stylesheet is applied when the mouse is above an element.
user-stylesheet-015 |
InteractUser |
Pseudo-class :active defined in user stylesheet can be applied
- The pseudo-class selector :active defined in user stylesheet is implemented.
user-stylesheet-016 |
User |
Pseudo-element first-letter selector defined in user stylesheet can be applied
- The pseudo-element selector :first-letter defined in user stylesheet is applied to the first letter of an element.
user-stylesheet-017 |
User |
Pseudo-element before selector defined in user stylesheet can be applied
- The pseudo-element selector :before defined in user stylesheet is inserted before an element.
user-stylesheet-018 |
User |
Pseudo-element after selector defined in user stylesheet can be applied
- The pseudo-element selector :after defined in user stylesheet is inserted after an element.
6.1.1 Specified values
cascade-precedence-001 |
cascade mechanism has precedence over inheritance - font boldness
- When determining the specified value of a property, the cascade mechanism of (user agent, author, user) style sheets has precedence. If no value results from such mechanism, then the property may inherit from its parent. In this testcase, it is presumed that b elements are specified in the user agents style sheets to embold their text content.
cascade-precedence-002 |
cascade mechanism has precedence over inheritance - font styling
- When determining the specified value of a property, the cascade mechanism of (user agent, author, user) style sheets has precedence. If no value results from such mechanism, then the property may inherit from its parent. In this testcase, it is presumed that i elements are specified in the user agents style sheets to italicize their text content.
list-style-019 |
Bitmaps |
list-style - initial value
- 'list-style' property is a shorthand notation that sets the three properties 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image' and 'list-style-position'. If one of the 3 list-style properties is not specified explicitly, then such 'list-style' property is assigned its initial value as indicated in its property definition.
non-inherited-value-001 |
Non-inherited values
- If the cascade results in a value, use it.
6.2 Inheritance
c13-inh-underlin-000 |
c13-inheritance-000 |
c548-ln-ht-003 |
AhemBitmaps |
c548-ln-ht-004 |
AhemBitmaps |
cascade-precedence-001 |
cascade mechanism has precedence over inheritance - font boldness
- When determining the specified value of a property, the cascade mechanism of (user agent, author, user) style sheets has precedence. If no value results from such mechanism, then the property may inherit from its parent. In this testcase, it is presumed that b elements are specified in the user agents style sheets to embold their text content.
cascade-precedence-002 |
cascade mechanism has precedence over inheritance - font styling
- When determining the specified value of a property, the cascade mechanism of (user agent, author, user) style sheets has precedence. If no value results from such mechanism, then the property may inherit from its parent. In this testcase, it is presumed that i elements are specified in the user agents style sheets to italicize their text content.
inherit-border-padding-000 |
Explicit Inheritance
inherited-value-001 |
- Children elements can inherit properties from parents.
6.2.1 The 'inherit' value
dynamic-top-change-001 |
Inheriting 'top' changes from relpos grandparent
- The position of a positioned element which inherits its 'top' value from its relatively positioned grandparent changes when the grandparent's 'top' value is changed.
dynamic-top-change-002 |
Inheriting 'top' changes from parent table-row through anonymous table boxes
- The position of a positioned element which inherits its 'top' value from its parent changes when the parent's 'top' value is changed even if the parent is display:table-row.
dynamic-top-change-003 |
Inheriting 'top' changes from parent table through anonymous table boxes
- The position of a positioned element which inherits its 'top' value from its parent changes when the parent's 'top' value is changed even if the parent is display:table.
dynamic-top-change-004 |
Inheriting 'top' changes from abspos parent
- The position of a positioned element which inherits its 'top' value from its parent changes when the parent's 'top' value is changed.
dynamic-top-change-005 |
Inheriting 'top' changes from abspos grandparent
- The position of a positioned element which inherits its 'top' value from its relatively positioned parent changes when the parent's 'top' value is changed.
height-inherit-001 |
Inheriting Explicit Heights
- The computed height is inherited, even if the 'height' property does not apply.
inherit-001 |
Inherit keyword
- Children elements inherit the parents color given the 'inherit' keyword.
inherit-002 |
Inherit on non-inherited properties
- Inherit can be used on properties which are not normally inherited.
inherit-003 |
Inherit on the root element
- If the 'inherit' value is set on the root element, the property is assigned its initial value.
left-offset-percentage-002 |
position absolute - left offset percentage and inherit
- 'left: inherit' makes the left property take the same computed value as the left property for the element's parent; in the case of a percentage value, the computed value is the specified percentage value. 'left: [percentage]' refers to width of containing block.
margin-em-inherit-001 |
Bitmaps |
inherit applied on margin set with em
- The 'em' unit is equal to the computed value of the 'font-size' property of the element on which it is used. When inherit keyword is used, the property takes the same computed value - a length value in this testcase - as the property for the element's parent.
margin-percentage-inherit-001 |
Bitmaps |
margin - inherit applied on margin percentage
- A margin percentage is calculated with respect to the width of the generated box's containing block. When inherit keyword is used, the property takes the same computed value - a percentage value in this testcase - as the property for the element's parent.
padding-em-inherit-001 |
Bitmaps |
inherit applied on padding set with em
- The 'em' unit is equal to the computed value of the 'font-size' property of the element on which it is used. When inherit keyword is used, the property takes the same computed value - a length value in this testcase - as the property for the element's parent.
padding-percentage-inherit-001 |
Bitmaps |
padding - inherit applied on padding percentage
- A padding percentage is calculated with respect to the width of the generated box's containing block. When inherit keyword is used, the property takes the same computed value - a percentage value in this testcase - as the property for the element's parent.
position-absolute-percentage-inherit-001 |
position absolute - dimensions and position given by offset percentages and inherit
- Absolutely positioned boxes can be dimensioned and positioned solely by setting offset 'top', 'right', 'bottom' and 'left' property values with percentage unit and then with inherit keyword. 'inherit' on a offset property makes such offset property take the same computed value as the offset property of the nearest positioned ancestor; in the case of a percentage value, the computed value is the specified percentage value of such nearest positioned ancestor.
top-offset-percentage-002 |
position absolute - top offset percentage and inherit
- 'top: inherit' makes the top property take the same computed value as the top property for the element's parent; in the case of a percentage value, the computed value is the specified percentage value. 'top: [percentage]' refers to height of containing block.
6.4 The cascade
c21-pseu-cls-000 |
Interact |
c21-pseu-id-000 |
Interact |
cascade-001 |
User |
User style sheets
- Normal user declarations override the default user agent style sheet.
cascade-002 |
User |
Author stylesheets override user stylesheets
- Normal author declarations override normal user stylesheet declarations.
cascade-003 |
User |
Author rules with !important and a user stylesheet
- Author rules using !important override user stylesheet rules.
cascade-004 |
User |
User stylesheet rules using !important and normal author rules
- User stylesheet rules using !important override normal author rules.
cascade-005 |
Redefining rules
- The latter specified rule wins when having the same specificity and weight.
cascade-006 |
User |
User style sheets and redefining rules
- The latter specified rule in a style sheet wins when having the same specificity and weight in user styles sheets.
cascade-007 |
Author rules local and external
- Author rules in embedded stylesheets override author rules in imported stylesheets.
default-stylesheet-001 |
Ahem |
Overriding the user agent default style sheet
- User agent default style sheet settings can be overridden.
6.4.3 Calculating a selector's specificity
c21-pseu-cls-000 |
Interact |
c21-pseu-id-000 |
Interact |
c32-cascading-000 |
Cascading Order
specificity-001 |
Calculating specificity - Specificity 0010 vs. 0001
- The attribute selector has an higher specificity over the element selector - specificity 0010 takes precedence over 0001.
specificity-002 |
Calculating specificity - Inline Style
- Specificity of the inline style trumps all other selectors.
specificity-003 |
Calculating specificity - Specificity 0100 vs. 0011
- The ID attribute in a selector has the higher specificity than the combined pseudo-class and element selectors - specificity 0100 takes precedence over 0011.
specificity-004 |
Calculating specificity - Specificity 0011 vs. 0010
- The combined pseudo-class and element selectors have a higher specificity than the attribute selector - specificity 0011 takes precedence over 0010.
specificity-005 |
Calculating specificity - Specificity 0002 vs. 0001
- An element selector with a pseudo-element selector wins over a pseudo-element selector - specificity 0002 takes precedence over 0001.
specificity-006 |
Calculating specificity - Pseudo-element vs. simple element
- The combination of a pseudo-element selector with an element selector takes takes precedence over simple and single element selector - specificity 0002 takes precedence over 0001.
specificity-007 |
Calculating specificity - Specificity 0001 vs. 0000
- The element selector has a higher specificity over the universal selector - specificity 0001 takes precedence over 0000.
specificity-008 |
Calculating specificity - specificity 0012 vs. 0002
- The combined specificity of an element selector, with a pseudo-class selector and a pseudo-element selector achieves an higher specificity than the combined specificity of an element selector with a pseudo-element selector.
specificity-009 |
Calculating specificity - specificity 0003 vs. 0002
- First-line selector with highest specificity wins - specificity 0003 take precedence over 0002.
6.4.4 Precedence of non-CSS presentational hints
html-attribute-001 |
Attribute 'align' vs. CSS 'caption-side' specificity
- Attribute 'align' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-002 |
Interact |
Attribute 'alink' vs. CSS active specificity
- Attribute 'alink' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-003 |
Bitmaps |
Attribute 'background' vs. CSS 'background' specificity
- Attribute 'background' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-004 |
Attribute 'bgcolor' vs. CSS 'background-color' specificity
- Attribute 'bgcolor' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-005 |
Attribute 'border' vs. CSS border specificity
- Attribute 'border' has 0 specificity and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-006 |
Attribute 'cellpadding' vs. CSS 'padding' specificity
- Attribute 'cellpadding' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-007 |
Attribute 'cellspacing' vs. CSS border-spacing specificity
- Attribute 'cellspacing' has 0 specificity and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-008 |
Attribute 'clear' vs. CSS 'clear' specificity
- Attribute 'clear' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-009 |
Attribute 'color' vs. CSS 'color' specificity
- Attribute 'color' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-010 |
Attribute 'cols' vs CSS 'width' specificity
- Attribute 'cols' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-011 |
Attribute 'width' vs. CSS 'width' specificity
- Attribute 'width' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-012 |
Ahem |
Attribute 'face' vs. CSS 'font-family' specificity
- Attribute 'face' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-013 |
Attribute 'valign' vs. CSS 'vertical-align' specificity
- Attribute 'valign' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-014 |
Attribute 'frame' vs. CSS 'border' specificity
- Attribute 'frame' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-015 |
Attribute 'rules' vs. CSS border specificity
- Attribute 'rules' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-017 |
Attribute 'height' vs. CSS 'height' specificity
- Attribute 'height' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-018 |
Bitmaps |
Attribute 'hspace' vs. CSS 'margin' specificity
- Attribute 'hspace' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-019 |
Bitmaps |
Attribute 'vspace' vs. CSS 'margin' specificity
- Attribute 'vspace' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-020 |
Attribute 'link' vs. CSS ':link' specificity
- Attribute 'link' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-021 |
Attribute 'marginheight' vs. CSS 'margin' specificity
- Attribute 'marginheight' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-022 |
Attribute 'marginwidth' vs. CSS 'margin' specificity
- Attribute 'marginwidth' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-023 |
HTML 'noshade' attribute vs CSS color specificity
- Attribute 'noshade' has 0 specificity and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-024 |
Attribute 'nowrap' vs. CSS 'white-space' specificity
- Attribute 'nowrap' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-025 |
Attribute 'rows' vs CSS 'height' specificity
- Attribute 'rows' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-027 |
Attribute 'size' vs CSS 'height' specificity
- Attribute 'size' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-028 |
Attribute 'text' vs. CSS 'color' specificity
- Attribute 'text' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-attribute-029 |
HistoryInteract |
Attribute 'vlink' vs. CSS ':visited' specificity
- Attribute 'vlink' has a specificity of zero and is overridden by CSS.
html-precedence-001 |
Element selector precedence
- The 'color' attribute has a specificity equal to 0 which be overridden by subsequent style sheet rules.