CSS Transforms Module Level 1 CR Test Suite

Terminology (5 tests)

Test Refs Flags Info
+ 2 Terminology
transform-display-001 = Inline-Block
  • Inline-blocks are atomic inline-level elements, so should transform the same as blocks.
transform-display-002 = Table
  • Inline-blocks are block-level elements, so should transform the same as blocks.
transform-display-003 = Inline-Table
  • Inline-tables are atomic inline-level elements, so should transform the same as blocks.
transform-display-004 = List-Item
  • List-items are block-level elements, so should transform the same as blocks.
transform-image-001 = Transformed <img>
  • An <img> is a transformable element, so transforms should work on it the same as any image. This test compares an img element with a 90deg rotation transform applied to a different image that was pre-rotated by 90 degrees.