CSS Animations Module Level 1 CR Test Suite

Animation Events (3 tests)

Test Refs Flags Info
+ 5 Animation Events
animation-iteration-event-manual Animated animation events - animationiteration
  • Check that animationiteration event occurs at the end of each iteration of an animation for which animation-iteration-count is greater than one.
animationstart-and-animationend-events-manual Animated animation events - animationstart and animationend
  • Check that animationstart event occurs at the start of an animation, animationend event occurs when animation finishes.
+ 5.1 The AnimationEvent Interface
+ 5.1.1 IDL Definition
+ 5.1.2 Attributes
+ 5.2 Types of AnimationEvent
animationevent-types Script AnimationEvnt types - animationstart, animationend,animationiteration
+ 5.3 Event handlers on elements, Document objects, and Window objects