CSS Color Module Level 3 Conformance Test Suite

Color properties (9 tests)

Test Refs Flags Info
+ 3 Color properties
+ 3.1 Foreground color: the ‘color’ property
color-invalid Script CSS Color Module Level 3: parsing color with invalid values
  • color supports only the grammar '<color>'.
color-valid Script CSS Color Module Level 3: parsing color with valid values
  • color supports the full grammar '<color>'.
+ 3.2 Transparency: the ‘opacity’ property
calc-numbers InvalidScript computed value of 'tab-size' and 'opacity' when specified with calc() function
  • This test verifies how 11 calc() functions are computed for 'opacity' and 'tab-size'.
transition-property-031-manual transition-property - opacity
  • Test checks that the 'opacity' property is animatable.
will-change-stacking-context-opacity-1 = CSS will-change: 'will-change: opacity' creates a stacking context
  • If any non-initial value of a property would create a stacking context on the element, specifying that property in will-change must create a stacking context on the element.
opacity-computed Script getComputedStyle().opacity
opacity-interpolation Script opacity interpolation
  • opacity supports animation
opacity-invalid Script CSS opacity Module Level 3: parsing opacity with invalid values
  • opacity supports only the grammar '<alphavalue>'.
opacity-valid Script CSS opacity Module Level 3: parsing opacity with valid values
  • opacity supports the full grammar '<alphavalue>'.