CSS Color Module Level 4 CR Test Suite

sRGB Colors (29 tests)

Test Refs Flags Info
+ 5 sRGB Colors
+ 5.1 The RGB functions: rgb() and rgba()
background-color-rgb-001 = CSS-Color-4: rgb() syntax accepts alpha component (and percentage alpha value), non-integer components and comma-less expressions (and comments as separators) - test
  • rgb() should accept alpha component (and percentage alpha value), non-integer components and comma-less expressions (and comments as separators).
background-color-rgb-002 = CSS-Color-4: rgba() syntax accepts non-integer components, comma-less expressions (and comments as separators), percentage alpha and omitting of alpha component - test
  • rgba() should accept non-integer components, comma-less expressions (and comments as separators), percentage alpha and omitting of alpha.
background-color-rgb-003 = CSS-Color-4: rgb() and rgba() are aliases of each other - test
  • rgb() should have the identical grammar and behavior to rgba().
rgb-001 = CSS Color 4: RGB functions rgb() and rgba()
  • rgb() with percent and no alpha, also no comma
rgb-002 = CSS Color 4: RGB functions rgb() and rgba()
  • rgb() with 8-bit numbers and no alpha, also no comma
rgb-003 = CSS Color 4: RGB functions rgb() and rgba()
  • rgb() with percent and numeric alpha, also no comma
rgb-004 = CSS Color 4: RGB functions rgb() and rgba()
  • rgb() with 8-bit numbers and numeric alpha, also no comma
rgb-005 = CSS Color 4: RGB functions rgb() and rgba()
  • rgb() with percent and percent alpha, also no comma
rgb-006 = CSS Color 4: RGB functions rgb() and rgba()
  • rgb() with 8-bit numbers and percent alpha, also no comma
rgb-007 = CSS Color 4: RGB functions rgb() and rgba()
  • legacy rgb() with percent and percent alpha, and commas
rgb-008 = CSS Color 4: RGB functions rgb() and rgba()
  • legacy rgb() with 8-bit numbers and percent alpha, with commas
rgb-rounding-001 Script CSS Color 4: RGB Channel Rounding
  • Tests if RGB channels indicated as decimals are rounded correctly
rgba-001 = CSS Color 4: RGB functions rgb() and rgba()
  • legacy rgba() with percent and no alpha, also no comma
rgba-002 = CSS Color 4: RGB functions rgb() and rgba()
  • legacy rgba() with 8-bit numbers and no alpha, also no comma
rgba-003 = CSS Color 4: RGB functions rgb() and rgba()
  • legacy rgba() with percent and numeric alpha, also no comma
rgba-004 = CSS Color 4: RGB functions rgb() and rgba()
  • legacy rgba() with 8-bit numbers and numeric alpha, also no comma
rgba-005 = CSS Color 4: RGB functions rgb() and rgba()
  • legacy rgba() with percent and percent alpha, also no comma
rgba-006 = CSS Color 4: RGB functions rgb() and rgba()
  • legacy rgba() with 8-bit numbers and percent alpha, also no comma
rgba-007 = CSS Color 4: RGB functions rgb() and rgba()
  • legacy rgba() with percent and percent alpha, and commas
rgba-008 = CSS Color 4: RGB functions rgb() and rgba()
  • legacy rgba() with 8-bit numbers and percent alpha, with commas
rgba-011 Script rgba() function syntax (complex)
  • This test checks the syntax allowed by rgba() function. White space characters, instead of commas, are allowed between numerical values. <alpha-value> can be omitted for rgba() function, in which case it must defaults to 100%. Finally, rgba() function can take real numbers but their computed values will be rounded to the nearest integer, with values halfway between adjacent integers rounded towards positive infinity.
+ 5.2 The RGB hexadecimal notations: #RRGGBB
border-bottom-color = Border-bottom-color set to hex with three digits with the maximum plus one value of #1000
  • The 'border-bottom-color' set to #1000 is a transparent dark red square.
border-left-color = Border-left-color set to hex with three digits with the maximum plus one value of #1000
  • The 'border-top-color' set to #1000 is a transparent dark red square.
border-right-color = Border-right-color set to hex with three digits with the maximum plus one value of #1000
  • The 'border-right-color' set to #1000 is a transparent dark red square.
border-top-color = Border-top-color set to hex with three digits with the maximum plus one value of #1000
  • The 'border-top-color' set to #1000 is a transparent dark red square.
hex-001 = CSS Color 4: The RGB hexadecimal notations: #RRGGBB
  • 6 digit hex
hex-002 = CSS Color 4: The RGB hexadecimal notations: #RRGGBB
  • 8 digit hex, fully opaque
hex-003 = CSS Color 4: The RGB hexadecimal notations: #RRGGBB
  • 3 digit hex
hex-004 = CSS Color 4: The RGB hexadecimal notations: #RRGGBB
  • 4 digit hex, fully opaque