7 HSL Colors: hsl() and hsla() functions |
background-color-hsl-001 |
= |
CSS-Color-4: hsla() syntax accepts comma-less expressions (and comments as separators), percentage alpha and omitting of alpha component - test
- hsla() should accept comma-less expressions (and comments as separators), percentage alpha and omitting of alpha component.
background-color-hsl-002 |
= |
CSS-Color-4: hsl() syntax accepts comma-less expressions (and comments as separators) and alpha component (and percentage alpha) - test
- hsl() should accept comma-less expressions (and comments as separators) and alpha component (and percentage alpha).
background-color-hsl-003 |
= |
CSS-Color-4: support <angle> value for hsl()/hsla() hue component - test
- hsl()/hsla() hue component should support <angle> value.
background-color-hsl-004 |
= |
CSS-Color-4: hsla() and hsl() are aliases of each other - test
- hsla() should have the identical grammar and behavior to hsl().
hsl-001 |
= |
CSS Color 4: HSL functions hsl() and hsla()
- hsl() with number and no alpha, also no comma
hsl-002 |
= |
CSS Color 4: HSL functions hsl() and hsla()
- hsl() with angle and no alpha, also no comma
hsl-003 |
= |
CSS Color 4: HSL functions hsl() and hsla()
- hsl() with number and numeric alpha, also no comma
hsl-004 |
= |
CSS Color 4: HSL functions hsl() and hsla()
- hsl() with angle and numeric alpha, also no comma
hsl-005 |
= |
CSS Color 4: HSL functions hsl() and hsla()
- hsl() with number and percent alpha, also no comma
hsl-006 |
= |
CSS Color 4: HSL functions hsl() and hsla()
- hsl() with angle and percent alpha, also no comma
hsl-007 |
= |
CSS Color 4: HSL functions hsl() and hsla()
- legacy hsl() with number and percent alpha, and commas
hsl-008 |
= |
CSS Color 4: HSL functions hsl() and hsla()
- legacy hsl() with angle and percent alpha, with commas
hsla-001 |
= |
CSS Color 4: HSL functions hsl() and hsla()
- legacy hsla() with number and no alpha, also no comma
hsla-002 |
= |
CSS Color 4: HSL functions hsl() and hsla()
- legacy hsla() with angle and no alpha, also no comma
hsla-003 |
= |
CSS Color 4: HSL functions hsl() and hsla()
- legacy hsla() with number and numeric alpha, also no comma
hsla-004 |
= |
CSS Color 4: HSL functions hsl() and hsla()
- legacy hsla() with angle and numeric alpha, also no comma
hsla-005 |
= |
CSS Color 4: HSL functions hsl() and hsla()
- legacy hsla() with number and percent alpha, also no comma
hsla-006 |
= |
CSS Color 4: HSL functions hsl() and hsla()
- legacy hsla() with angle and percent alpha, also no comma
hsla-007 |
= |
CSS Color 4: HSL functions hsl() and hsla()
- legacy hsla() with number and percent alpha, and commas
hsla-008 |
= |
CSS Color 4: HSL functions hsl() and hsla()
- legacy hsla() with angle and percent alpha, with commas