CSS Counter Styles Level 3 CR Test Suite

Defining Custom Counter Styles: the @counter-style rule (43 tests)

Test Refs Flags Info
+ 3 Defining Custom Counter Styles: the @counter-style rule
counter-style-name-syntax Script
redefine-attr-mapping = redefine attr mapping
redefine-builtin = redefine builtin
name-case-sensitivity = name case sensitivity
+ 3.1 Counter algorithms: the system descriptor
counter-style-system-syntax Script
+ 3.1.1 Cycling Symbols: the cyclic system
system-cyclic = system cyclic
system-cyclic-invalid = system cyclic, invalid
+ 3.1.2 Exhaustible Symbols: the fixed system
system-fixed = system fixed
system-fixed-invalid = system fixed, invalid
+ 3.1.3 Repeating Symbols: the symbolic system
system-symbolic = system symbolic
system-symbolic-invalid = system symbolic, invalid
+ 3.1.4 Bijective Numerals: the alphabetic system
system-alphabetic = system alphabetic
system-alphabetic-invalid = system alphabetic, invalid
+ 3.1.5 Positional Numerals: the numeric system
system-numeric = system numeric
system-numeric-invalid = system numeric, invalid
+ 3.1.6 Accumulating Numerals: the additive system
system-additive = system additive
system-additive-invalid = system additive, invalid
+ 3.1.7 Building from Existing Counter Styles: the extends system
dependent-builtin = dependent builtin
system-extends = system extends
system-extends-invalid = system extends, invalid
+ 3.2 Formatting negative values: the negative descriptor
counter-style-negative-syntax Script
descriptor-negative = descriptor negative
descriptor-negative-invalid = descriptor negative, invalid
+ 3.3 Symbols before the marker: the prefix descriptor
counter-style-prefix-suffix-syntax Script
descriptor-prefix = descriptor prefix
descriptor-prefix-invalid = descriptor prefix, invalid
+ 3.4 Symbols after the marker: the suffix descriptor
counter-style-prefix-suffix-syntax Script
descriptor-suffix = descriptor suffix
descriptor-suffix-invalid = descriptor suffix, invalid
+ 3.5 Limiting the counter scope: the range descriptor
counter-style-range-syntax Script
descriptor-range = descriptor range
descriptor-range-invalid = descriptor range, invalid
css3-counter-styles-020b = lower-roman, straddling range, 3000-4001
  • If a counter style is used to represent a counter value outside of its ranges, the counter style instead drops down to its fallback counter style.
+ 3.6 Zero-Padding and Constant-Width Representations: the pad descriptor
counter-style-pad-syntax Script
descriptor-pad = descriptor pad
descriptor-pad-invalid = descriptor pad, invalid
+ 3.7 Defining fallback: the fallback descriptor
counter-style-fallback Script
descriptor-fallback = descriptor fallback
descriptor-fallback-invalid = descriptor fallback, invalid
+ 3.8 Marker characters: the symbols and additive-symbols descriptors
counter-style-additive-symbols-syntax Script
counter-style-symbols-syntax Script
descriptor-symbols = descriptor symbols
descriptor-symbols-invalid = descriptor symbols, invalid
broken-symbols = invalid counter-style symbols
+ 3.9 Speech Synthesis: the speak-as descriptor