CSS Counter Styles Level 3 CR Test Suite

Simple Predefined Counter Styles (109 tests)

Test Refs Flags Info
+ 6 Simple Predefined Counter Styles
+ 6.1 Numeric: decimal, decimal-leading-zero, arabic-indic, armenian, upper-armenian, lower-armenian, bengali, cambodian, khmer, cjk-decimal, devanagari, georgian, gujarati, gurmukhi, hebrew, kannada, lao, malayalam, mongolian, myanmar, oriya, persian, lower...
css3-counter-styles-001 = cjk-decimal, 0-9
  • list-style-type: cjk-decimal produces numbers up to 9 items per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-004 = cjk-decimal, 10+
  • list-style-type: cjk-decimal produces numbers after 9 items per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-005 = cjk-decimal, suffix
  • list-style-type: cjk-decimal will produce a suffix as described in the CSS3 Counter Styles module.
css3-counter-styles-006 = armenian, 0-9
  • list-style-type: armenian produces numbers up to 9 items per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-007 = armenian, 10+
  • list-style-type: armenian produces numbers after 9 items per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-008 = armenian, outside range
  • list-style-type: armenian produces counter values outside its ranges using its fallback style.
css3-counter-styles-009 = armenian, suffix
  • list-style-type: armenian will produce a suffix per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-010 = georgian, 0-9
  • list-style: georgian produces numbers up to 9 items per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-011 = georgian, 10+
  • list-style: georgian produces numbers after 9 items per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-012 = georgian, outside range
  • list-style-type: georgian produces numbers in the fallback counter style above the limit per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-014 = georgian, suffix
  • list-style-type: georgian produces a suffix per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-015 = hebrew, 0-9
  • list-style: hebrew produces numbers up to 9 items per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-016 = hebrew, 10+
  • list-style: hebrew produces numbers after 9 items per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-016a = hebrew, outside range
  • list-style-type: hebrew produces numbers in the fallback counter style above the limit per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-017 = hebrew, suffix
  • list-style: hebrew produces a suffix per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-019 = lower-roman, 0-9
  • list-style: lower-roman produces numbers up to 9 items per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-020 = lower-roman, 10-3999
  • list-style: lower-roman produces numbers after 9 items per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-020a = lower-roman, 3000-3999
  • Setting list-style-type to lower-roman will produce list of up to 9 items in the range range: 1 to 3999.
css3-counter-styles-021 = lower-roman, outside range
  • list-style-type: lower-roman produces numbers in the fallback counter style above the limit per the spec
css3-counter-styles-022 = lower-roman, suffix
  • list-style-type: lower-roman produces a suffix per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-023 = upper-roman, 0-9
  • list-style: upper-roman produces numbers up to 9 items per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-024 = upper-roman, 10-3999
  • list-style: upper-roman produces numbers after 9 items per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-024a = upper-roman, 3000-3999
  • Setting list-style-type to upper-roman will produce list of up to 9 items in the range range: 1 to 3999.
css3-counter-styles-025 = upper-roman, outside range
  • list-style-type: upper-roman produces numbers in the fallback counter style above the limit per the spec
css3-counter-styles-026 = upper-roman, suffix
  • list-style-type: upper-roman produces a suffix per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-101 = arabic-indic, 0-9
  • list-style: arabic-indic produces numbers up to 9 items per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-102 = arabic-indic, 10+
  • list-style-type: arabic-indic produces numbers after 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-103 = arabic-indic, suffix
  • list-style-type: arabic-indic produces a suffix per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-104 = persian, 0-9
  • list-style: persian produces numbers up to 9 items per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-105 = persian, 10+
  • list-style-type: persian produces numbers after 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-106 = persian, suffix
  • list-style-type: persian produces a suffix per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-107 = upper-armenian, 0-9
  • list-style-type: upper-armenian produces numbers up to 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-108 = upper-armenian, 10+
  • list-style-type: upper-armenian produces numbers after 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-109 = upper-armenian, outside range
  • list-style-type: upper-armenian produces numbers in the fallback counter style above the limit per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-110 = upper-armenian, suffix
  • list-style-type: upper-armenian produces a suffix per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-111 = lower-armenian, 0-9
  • list-style-type: lower-armenian produces numbers up to 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-112 = lower-armenian, 10+
  • list-style-type: lower-armenian produces numbers after 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-114 = lower-armenian, outside range
  • list-style-type: lower-armenian produces numbers in the fallback counter style above the limit per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-115 = lower-armenian, suffix
  • list-style-type: lower-armenian produces a suffix per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-116 = bengali, 0-9
  • list-style-type:bengali produces numbers up to 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-117 = bengali, 10+
  • list-style-type: bengali produces numbers after 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-118 = bengali, suffix
  • list-style-type: bengali produces a suffix per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-119 = devanagari, 0-9
  • list-style-type:devanagari produces numbers up to 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-120 = devanagari, 10+
  • list-style-type: devanagari produces numbers after 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-121 = devanagari, suffix
  • list-style-type: devanagari produces a suffix per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-122 = gujarati, 0-9
  • list-style-type:gujarati produces numbers up to 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-123 = gujarati, 10+
  • list-style-type: gujarati produces numbers after 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-124 = gujarati, suffix
  • list-style-type: gujarati produces a suffix per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-125 = gurmukhi, 0-9
  • list-style-type:gurmukhi produces numbers up to 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-126 = gurmukhi, 10+
  • list-style-type: gurmukhi produces numbers after 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-127 = gurmukhi, suffix
  • list-style-type: gurmukhi produces a suffix per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-128 = kannada, 0-9
  • list-style-type:kannada produces numbers up to 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-129 = kannada, 10+
  • list-style-type: kannada produces numbers after 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-130 = kannada, suffix
  • list-style-type: kannada produces a suffix per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-131 = lao, 0-9
  • list-style-type:lao produces numbers up to 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-132 = lao, 10+
  • list-style-type: lao produces numbers after 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-133 = lao, suffix
  • list-style-type: lao produces a suffix per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-134 = malayalam, 0-9
  • list-style-type:malayalam produces numbers up to 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-135 = malayalam, 10+
  • list-style-type: malayalam produces numbers after 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-136 = malayalam, suffix
  • list-style-type: malayalam produces a suffix per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-137 = mongolian, 0-9
  • list-style-type:mongolian produces numbers up to 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-138 = mongolian, 10+
  • list-style-type: mongolian produces numbers after 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-139 = mongolian, suffix
  • list-style-type: mongolian produces a suffix per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-140 = myanmar, 0-9
  • list-style-type:myanmar produces numbers up to 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-141 = myanmar, 10+
  • list-style-type: myanmar produces numbers after 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-142 = myanmar, suffix
  • list-style-type: myanmar produces a suffix per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-143 = oriya, 0-9
  • list-style-type:oriya produces numbers up to 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-144 = oriya, 10+
  • list-style-type: oriya produces numbers after 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-145 = oriya, suffix
  • list-style-type: oriya produces a suffix per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-146 = tamil, 0-9
  • list-style-type:tamil produces numbers up to 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-147 = tamil, 10+
  • list-style-type: tamil produces numbers after 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-148 = tamil, suffix
  • list-style-type: tamil produces a suffix per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-149 = telugu, 0-9
  • list-style-type:telugu produces numbers up to 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-150 = telugu, 10+
  • list-style-type: telugu produces numbers after 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-151 = telugu, suffix
  • list-style-type: telugu produces a suffix per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-152 = thai, 0-9
  • list-style-type:thai produces numbers up to 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-153 = thai, 10+
  • list-style-type: thai produces numbers after 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-154 = thai, suffix
  • list-style-type: thai produces a suffix per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-155 = tibetan, 0-9
  • list-style-type:tibetan produces numbers up to 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-156 = tibetan, 10+
  • list-style-type: tibetan produces numbers after 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-157 = tibetan, suffix
  • list-style-type: tibetan produces a suffix per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-158 = cambodian, 0-9
  • list-style-type: cambodian produces numbers up to 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-159 = cambodian, 10+
  • list-style-type: cambodian produces numbers after 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-160 = cambodian, suffix
  • list-style-type: cambodian produces a suffix per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-161 = khmer, 0-9
  • list-style-type: khmer produces numbers up to 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-162 = khmer, 10+
  • list-style-type: khmer produces numbers after 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-163 = khmer, suffix
  • list-style-type: khmer produces a suffix per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-201 = cjk-earthly-branch, 0-12
  • list-style-type:cjk-earthly-branch produces numbers up to 12 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-202 = cjk-earthly-branch, 13+
  • list-style-type: cjk-earthly-branch produces numbers after 12 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-203 = cjk-earthly-branch, suffix
  • list-style-type: cjk-earthly-branch produces a suffix per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-204 = cjk-heavenly-stem, 0-9
  • list-style-type:cjk-heavenly-stem produces numbers up to 12 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-205 = cjk-heavenly-stem, 10+
  • list-style-type: cjk-heavenly-stem produces numbers after 9 per the spec.
css3-counter-styles-206 = cjk-heavenly-stem, suffix
  • list-style-type: cjk-heavenly-stem produces a suffix per the spec.
+ 6.2 Alphabetic: lower-alpha, lower-latin, upper-alpha, upper-latin, cjk-earthly-branch, cjk-heavenly-stem, lower-greek, hiragana, hiragana-iroha, katakana, katakana-iroha
css3-counter-styles-027 = lower-greek, simple
  • Setting list-style-type to lower-greek will produce list numbering for the basic alphabet as described in the CSS3 Counter Styles module.
css3-counter-styles-028 = lower-greek, extended
  • Setting list-style-type to lower-greek will produce list numbering after the basic alphabet as described in the CSS3 Counter Styles module.
css3-counter-styles-029 = lower-greek, suffix
  • Setting list-style-type to lower-greek will produce a suffix as described in the CSS3 Counter Styles module.
css3-counter-styles-030 = hiragana, simple
  • Setting list-style-type to hiragana will produce list numbering for the basic alphabet as described in the CSS3 Counter Styles module.
css3-counter-styles-031 = hiragana, extended
  • Setting list-style-type to hiragana will produce list numbering after the basic alphabet as described in the CSS3 Counter Styles module.
css3-counter-styles-032 = hiragana, suffix
  • Setting list-style-type to hiragana will produce a suffix as described in the CSS3 Counter Styles module.
css3-counter-styles-033 = hiragana-iroha, simple
  • Setting list-style-type to hiragana-iroha will produce list numbering for the basic alphabet as described in the CSS3 Counter Styles module.
css3-counter-styles-034 = hiragana-iroha, extended
  • Setting list-style-type to hiragana-iroha will produce list numbering after the basic alphabet as described in the CSS3 Counter Styles module.
css3-counter-styles-035 = hiragana-iroha, suffix
  • Setting list-style-type to hiragana-iroha will produce a suffix as described in the CSS3 Counter Styles module.
css3-counter-styles-036 = katakana, simple
  • Setting list-style-type to katakana will produce list numbering for the basic alphabet as described in the CSS3 Counter Styles module.
css3-counter-styles-037 = katakana, extended
  • Setting list-style-type to katakana will produce list numbering after the basic alphabet as described in the CSS3 Counter Styles module.
css3-counter-styles-038 = katakana, suffix
  • Setting list-style-type to katakana will produce a suffix as described in the CSS3 Counter Styles module.
css3-counter-styles-039 = katakana-iroha, simple
  • Setting list-style-type to katakana-iroha will produce list numbering for the basic alphabet as described in the CSS3 Counter Styles module.
css3-counter-styles-040 = katakana-iroha, extended
  • Setting list-style-type to katakana-iroha will produce list numbering after the basic alphabet as described in the CSS3 Counter Styles module.
css3-counter-styles-041 = katakana-iroha, suffix
  • Setting list-style-type to katakana-iroha will produce a suffix as described in the CSS3 Counter Styles module.
+ 6.3 Symbolic: disc, circle, square, disclosure-open, disclosure-closed
disclosure-styles = disclosure styles