flex-direction |
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flex flow direction
- The flow of flex items in the the flex container should observe the flex-direction property.
flex-direction-column-reverse-002-visual |
flex-direction: column-reverse swaps main start and end directions
- This test checks that column-reverse flex-direction swaps the main start and main end directions
flex-direction-modify |
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flex flow direction
- Changing 'flex-direction' with JavaScript and then changing it back should returns to the original look.
flex-direction-row-002-visual |
flex-direction:row axis matches that of writing mode inline axis
- This test checks that the main axis of the row flex-direction has the same orientation as the inline axis of the current writing mode
flex-direction-row-reverse-002-visual |
flow-direction:row-reverse swaps main start and end directions
- This test checks that row-reverse flex-direction swaps the main start and main end directions
flex-direction-row-vertical |
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flex-direction:row has the same orientation as inline axis
- This test checks that the main axis of the row flex-direction has the same orientation as the inline axis of the current vertical writing mode
flex-direction-with-element-insert |
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flex flow direction
- The flex items inserted by script shuould follow the right direction what the flex-direction property directives.
flex-flow-001 |
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flex-flow - row nowrap
- The 'flex-flow' property set 'row nowrap' controls the flex container is single-line
flex-flow-002 |
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flex-flow - row wrap
- The 'flex-flow' property set 'row wrap' controls the flex container is multi-line
flex-flow-003 |
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flex-flow - row wrap-reverse
- The 'flex-flow' property set 'row wrap-reverse' controls the flex container is multi-line but the cross-start and cross-end directions are swapped
flex-flow-004 |
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flex-flow - row-reverse nowrap
- The 'flex-flow' property set 'row-reverse nowrap' controls the flex container is single-line, but the main-start and main-end directions are swapped
flex-flow-005 |
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flex-flow - row-reverse wrap
- The 'flex-flow' property set 'row-reverse wrap' controls the flex container is multi-line but the main-start and main-end directions are swapped
flex-flow-006 |
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flex-flow - row-reverse wrap-reverse
- The 'flex-flow' property set 'row-reverse wrap-reverse' controls the flex container is multi-line but the main-start and main-end, cross-start and cross-end directions are all swapped
flex-flow-007 |
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flex-flow - column nowrap
- The 'flex-flow' property set 'column nowrap' controls the flex container is single-line, but the main axis is vertical
flex-flow-008 |
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flex-flow - column wrap
- The 'flex-flow' property set 'column wrap' controls the flex container is multi-line but the main axis is vertical
flex-flow-009 |
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flex-flow - column wrap-reverse
- The 'flex-flow' property set 'column wrap-reverse' controls the flex container is multi-line but the main axis is vertical, the cross-start and cross-end directions are swapped
flex-flow-010 |
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flex-flow - column-reverse nowrap
- The 'flex-flow' property set 'column-reverse nowrap' controls the flex container is single-line, but the main axis is vertical, the main-start and main-end directions are swapped
flex-flow-011 |
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flex-flow - column-reverse wrap
- The 'flex-flow' property set 'column-reverse wrap' controls the flex container is multi-line but the main axis is vertical, the main-start and main-end directions are swapped
flex-flow-012 |
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flex-flow - column-reverse wrap-reverse
- The 'flex-flow' property set 'column-reverse wrap-reverse' controls the flex container is multi-line but the main axis is vertical, the 'cross-start/cross-end' and 'main-start/main-end' directions are all swapped
flexbox_computedstyle_flex-direction-column |
DOM/JSScript |
flexbox | computed style | flex-direction: column
flexbox_computedstyle_flex-direction-column-reverse |
DOM/JSScript |
flexbox | computed style | flex-direction: column-reverse
flexbox_computedstyle_flex-direction-invalid |
DOM/JSScript |
flexbox | computed style | flex-direction: row
flexbox_computedstyle_flex-direction-row |
DOM/JSScript |
flexbox | computed style | flex-direction: row
flexbox_computedstyle_flex-direction-row-reverse |
DOM/JSScript |
flexbox | computed style | flex-direction: row-reverse
flexbox_rtl-direction |
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flexbox | flex-direction: column-reverse | rtl