CSS Generated Content for Paged Media Level 3 CR Test Suite

Running headers and footers (17 tests)

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+ 1 Running headers and footers
+ 1.1 Named strings
+ 1.1.1 The string-set property
string-set-001 Paged GCPM string-set with string
  • Test checks that a named string can be set to a string value.
string-set-002 Paged GCPM String-set with content()
  • Test checks that a string can be set to the text value of an element, using the default content() syntax
string-set-003 Paged GCPM String-set with content(text)
  • Test checks that a string can be set to the text value of an element, using the explicit content(text) syntax
string-set-004 Paged GCPM String-set with content(first-letter)
  • Test checks that a string can be set to the first letter of the text value of an element
string-set-005 Paged GCPM String-set with counter(page)
  • Test checks that a named string can be set to the value of the page counter
string-set-006 Paged GCPM string-set with content(before)
  • Test checks that a named string can be set to the content of the before pseudo-element
string-set-007 Paged GCPM string-set with content(after)
  • Test checks that a named string can be set to the content of the after pseudo-element
string-set-008 Paged GCPM string-set with multiple assignments
  • Test checks that several named string can be set on a single element
string-set-009 Paged GCPM string-set with page and pages counters
  • Test checks that a string can be set to the page and pages counters
string-set-010 Paged GCPM string-set on element with display: none
  • Test checks that a string can be set to the value of an element even if display is set to none
string-set-011 Paged GCPM string-set on element with display: none
  • Test checks that a string can be set to the value of an element even if display is set to none
string-set-012 Paged GCPM string-set to attribute value
  • Test checks that a string can be set to the value of an attribute
+ The content() function
+ 1.1.2 The string() function
using-strings-001 Paged using 'first' property of named strings
  • Test checks that the default value of the string property is first, so that the first instance of a named string on the page is used.
using-strings-004 Paged using 'first-except' property of named strings
  • Test checks that if string is set to first-except, it is omitted on the page where the string is set, but appears on subsequent pages
using-strings-002 Paged using the 'last' property of named strings
  • Test checks that the last instance of a named string is used, when the 'last' property is applied to the string.
using-strings-005 Paged using 'last' property of named strings
  • Test checks that if string is set to last, the last appearance of that element determines the content of the string
using-strings-003 Paged using 'start' property of named strings
  • Test checks that the string set at the beginning of a page is used when the start property is applied
+ 1.2 Running elements
+ 1.2.1 The running() value
+ 1.2.2 The element() value