CSS Grid Layout Module Level 1 CR Test Suite

Grid Items (177 tests)

Test Refs Flags Info
+ 6 Grid Items
anonymous-grid-items-001 = CSS Grid: anonynous grid items.
  • This test ensures that anonymous grid items are supported.
grid-inline-items-001 = Ahem Regular and anonymous grid items within an inline grid
  • Checks that inline grid container children become grid items, and text that is directly contained inside the inline grid is wrapped in an anonymous grid item.
grid-inline-items-002 = Ahem Children of grid items do not create new items within an inline grid
  • Checks that the grid items do not split around blocks creating extra items within an inline grid.
grid-inline-items-003 = Ahem Grid items with 'display:none' are not rendered within an inline grid
grid-item-containing-block-001 = Grid item sizing
  • A grid item is sized within the containing block defined by its grid area
grid-item-containing-block-002 = Grid item sizing
  • A grid item is sized within the containing block defined by its grid area
grid-item-containing-block-003 = Grid item sizing
  • A grid item is sized within the containing block defined by its grid area
grid-item-containing-block-004 = Grid item sizing in a positioned grid container
  • A grid item is sized within the containing block defined by its grid area that intersects flexible tracks
grid-item-margins-and-writing-modes-001 = CSS Grid: Grid items and logical margins
  • This test ensures that the border, margin, and padding combining with RTL direction and different writing-modes generate the proper layout.
grid-item-rel-pos-001 = Rel.pos. grid item with style change.
  • Checks that the rel.pos. grid items are positioned correctly after a 'left' style change.
grid-item-rel-pos-002 = Rel.pos. centered grid item with style change.
  • Checks that the rel.pos. grid items are positioned correctly after a 'left' style change.
grid-items-001 = Ahem Regular and anonymous grid items
  • Checks that grid container children become grid items, and text that is directly contained inside the grid is wrapped in an anonymous grid item.
grid-items-002 = Ahem Children of grid items do not create new items
  • Checks that the grid items do not split around blocks creating extra items.
grid-items-003 = Ahem Grid items with 'display:none' are not rendered
grid-items-minimum-height-orthogonal-001 Script Mininum height of grid items orthogonal
  • Checks that orthogonal grid items minimum height take into account borders, padding and margins for grid containers with definite height.
grid-items-minimum-width-001 Script Mininum width of grid items
  • Checks that grid items minimum width takes into account borders, padding and margins for grid containers with definite width.
grid-items-minimum-width-002 Script Mininum width of grid items
  • Checks that grid items minimum width takes into account borders, padding and margins for grid containers with indefinite width.
grid-items-minimum-width-orthogonal-001 Script Mininum width of grid items orthogonal
  • Checks that orthogonal grid items minimum width takes into account borders, padding and margins for grid containers with definite width.
grid-items-minimum-width-orthogonal-002 Script Mininum width of grid items orthogonal
  • Checks that orthogonal grid items minimum width takes into account borders, padding and margins for grid containers with indefinite width.
grid-items-minimum-width-vertical-lr-001 Script Mininum width of grid items vertical-lr
  • Checks that grid items minimum width takes into account borders, padding and margins for grid containers with definite width in vertical-lr.
grid-items-minimum-width-vertical-lr-002 Script Mininum width of grid items vertical-lr
  • Checks that grid items minimum width takes into account borders, padding and margins for grid containers with indefinite width in vertical-lr.
grid-items-minimum-width-vertical-rl-001 Script Mininum width of grid items vertical-rl
  • Checks that grid items minimum width takes into account borders, padding and margins for grid containers with definite width in vertical-rl.
grid-items-minimum-width-vertical-rl-002 Script Mininum width of grid items vertical-rl
  • Checks that grid items minimum width takes into account borders, padding and margins for grid containers with indefinite width in vertical-rl.
percentage-size-replaced-subitems-001 = Percentage size on replaced child of a grid item with margin, border, padding and scrollbar
  • Checks that grid items replaced children resolve properly their percentage sizes, even when the grid item has margin, border, padding and scrollbar.
percentage-size-subitems-001 = Percentage size on child of a grid item with margin, border, padding and scrollbar
  • Checks that grid items children resolve properly their percentage sizes, even when the grid item has margin, border, padding and scrollbar.
flex-item-grid-container-percentage-rows-001 = Percentage rows resolution in a flex item grid container
  • This test ensures that percentage rows are properly resolved for a grid container that is a flex item with a definite height.
grid-item-script-001 = Insert script as grid item
  • This test ensures that inserting a script element as grid item doesn't crash.
remove-svg-grid-item-001 = Remove a first child in grid items
  • This test ensures that removing a first child element in grid items doesn't crash.
+ 6.1 Grid Item Display
+ 6.2 Grid Item Sizing
grid-align-stretching-replaced-items AhemScript alignment for replaced element
  • This test checks that the alignment properties apply the 'stretch' value correctly on replaced elements, such as images.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-001 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's height
  • Changing the grid's align-items value from 'stretch' to 'start' causes non-replaced items to shrink.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-002 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's height
  • Changing the grid's align-items value from 'start' to 'stretch' causes non-replaced items to grow.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-003 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's height
  • Changing the grid's align-items value from 'stretch' to 'normal' causes no effect on non-replaced items.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-004 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's height
  • Changing the grid item's align-items value from 'normal' to 'stretch' causes no effect on non-replaced items.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-005 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's height
  • Changing the grid's align-items value from 'start' to 'normal' causes non-replaced items to grow.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-006 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's height
  • Changing the grid's align-items value from 'normal' to 'start' causes non-replaced items to shrink.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-007 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's height
  • Changing the grid item's align-items value from 'start' to 'stretch' causes non-replaced items to shrink.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-008 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's height
  • Changing the grid item's align-items value from 'stretch' to 'start' causes non-replaced items to grow.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-009 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's height
  • Changing the grid item's align-items value from 'start' to 'normal' causes non-replaced items to shrink.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-010 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's height
  • Changing the grid item's align-items value from 'normal' to 'start' causes non-replaced items to grow.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-011 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's height
  • Changing the grid's align-items value from 'stretch' to 'start' causes replaced items to shrink.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-012 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's height
  • Changing the grid's align-items value from 'start' to 'stretch' causes replaced items to grow.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-013 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's height
  • Changing the grid's align-items value from 'stretch' to 'normal' causes replaced items to shrink.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-014 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's height
  • Changing the grid item's align-items value from 'normal' to 'stretch' causes non-replaced items to grow.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-015 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's height
  • Changing the grid item's align-items value from 'start' to 'normal' causes no effect on replaced items.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-016 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's height
  • Changing the grid item's align-items value from 'normal' to 'start' causes no effect on replaced items.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-017 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's height
  • Changing the grid item's align-items value from 'start' to 'stretch' causes replaced items to shrink.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-018 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's height
  • Changing the grid item's align-items value from 'stretch' to 'start' causes replaced items to grow.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-019 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's width
  • Changing the grid's justify-items value from 'stretch' to 'start' causes non-replaced items to shrink.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-020 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's width
  • Changing the grid's justify-items value from 'start' to 'stretch' causes non-replaced items to grow.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-021 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's width
  • Changing the grid's justify-items value from 'stretch' to 'normal' causes no effect on non-replaced items.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-022 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's width
  • Changing the grid item's justify-items value from 'normal' to 'stretch' causes no effect on non-replaced items.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-023 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's width
  • Changing the grid's justify-items value from 'start' to 'normal' causes non-replaced items to grow.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-024 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's width
  • Changing the grid's justify-items value from 'normal' to 'start' causes non-replaced items to shrink.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-025 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's width
  • Changing the grid item's justify-items value from 'start' to 'stretch' causes non-replaced items to shrink.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-026 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's width
  • Changing the grid item's justify-items value from 'stretch' to 'start' causes non-replaced items to grow.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-027 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's width
  • Changing the grid item's justify-items value from 'start' to 'normal' causes non-replaced items to shrink.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-028 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's width
  • Changing the grid item's justify-items value from 'normal' to 'start' causes non-replaced items to grow.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-029 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's width
  • Changing the grid's justify-items value from 'stretch' to 'start' causes replaced items to shrink.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-030 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's width
  • Changing the grid's justify-items value from 'start' to 'stretch' causes replaced items to grow.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-031 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's width
  • Changing the grid's justify-items value from 'stretch' to 'normal' causes replaced items to shrink.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-032 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's width
  • Changing the grid item's justify-items value from 'normal' to 'stretch' causes non-replaced items to grow.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-033 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's width
  • Changing the grid item's justify-items value from 'start' to 'normal' causes no effect on replaced items.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-034 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's width
  • Changing the grid item's justify-items value from 'normal' to 'start' causes no effect on replaced items.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-035 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's width
  • Changing the grid item's justify-items value from 'start' to 'stretch' causes replaced items to shrink.
grid-alignment-implies-size-change-036 Script Changes on Default-Alignment may affect grid item's width
  • Changing the grid item's justify-items value from 'stretch' to 'start' causes replaced items to grow.
grid-items-percentage-paddings-015 Script
  • Checks that the %-padding accessed from script, for an OOF descendant resolves correctly.
grid-items-sizing-alignment-001 = Grid Item Sizing
  • Checks how alignment properties affect the size of the non-replaced vs replaced grid items.
item-with-table-with-infinite-max-intrinsic-width = Grid item with table with infinite max intrinsic inline size
table-with-infinite-max-intrinsic-width = Table grid item with infinite max intrinsic inline size
+ 6.3 Reordered Grid Items: the order property
grid-inline-order-property-auto-placement-001 = Ahem 'order' property affects grid items auto-placement position within an inline grid
grid-inline-order-property-auto-placement-002 = Ahem 'order' property affects grid items auto-placement position within an inline grid
grid-inline-order-property-auto-placement-003 = Ahem 'order' property affects grid items auto-placement position within an inline grid
grid-inline-order-property-auto-placement-004 = Ahem 'order' property affects grid items auto-placement position within an inline grid
grid-inline-order-property-auto-placement-005 = Ahem 'order' property affects grid items auto-placement position within an inline grid
grid-inline-order-property-painting-001 = Ahem 'order' property affects grid items painting order within an inline grid
grid-inline-order-property-painting-002 = Ahem 'order' property affects grid items painting order within an inline grid
grid-inline-order-property-painting-003 = Ahem 'order' property affects grid items painting order within an inline grid
grid-inline-order-property-painting-004 = Ahem 'order' property affects grid items painting order within an inline grid
grid-inline-order-property-painting-005 = Ahem 'order' property affects grid items painting order within an inline grid
grid-order-property-auto-placement-001 = Ahem 'order' property affects grid items auto-placement position
grid-order-property-auto-placement-002 = Ahem 'order' property affects grid items auto-placement position
grid-order-property-auto-placement-003 = Ahem 'order' property affects grid items auto-placement position
grid-order-property-auto-placement-004 = Ahem 'order' property affects grid items auto-placement position
grid-order-property-auto-placement-005 = Ahem 'order' property affects grid items auto-placement position
grid-order-property-painting-001 = Ahem 'order' property affects grid items painting order
grid-order-property-painting-002 = Ahem 'order' property affects grid items painting order
grid-order-property-painting-003 = Ahem 'order' property affects grid items painting order
grid-order-property-painting-004 = Ahem 'order' property affects grid items painting order
grid-order-property-painting-005 = Ahem 'order' property affects grid items painting order
+ 6.4 Grid Item Margins and Paddings
grid-items-percentage-margins-001 Script Grid items with percentage margins
  • Checks grid items percentage margins are resolved against the inline size of their grid area (in a fixed size track).
grid-items-percentage-margins-002 Script Grid items with percentage margins
  • Checks grid items percentage margins are resolved against the inline size of their grid area (in a track with fixed max sizing function and intrinsic min).
grid-items-percentage-margins-003 = Grid items with percentage margins
  • Checks grid items percentage margins are resolved correctly in a 'auto' sized grid area after changing the item's width and forcing a new layout.
grid-items-percentage-margins-004 = Grid items with percentage margins
  • Checks grid items percentage margins are resolved correctly in a 'auto' sized grid area after changing the item's width and forcing a new layout.
grid-items-percentage-margins-005 = Grid items with percentage margins
  • Checks grid items percentage margins are resolved correctly in a 'auto' sized grid area after changing the item's width and forcing a new layout.
grid-items-percentage-margins-006 = Grid items with percentage margins
  • Checks grid items percentage margins are resolved correctly in a 'auto' sized grid area after changing the item's width and forcing a new layout.
grid-items-percentage-margins-007 = Grid items with percentage margins
  • Checks grid items percentage margins are resolved correctly in a 'auto' sized grid area after changing the item's width and forcing a new layout.
grid-items-percentage-margins-008 = Grid items with percentage margins
  • Checks grid items percentage margins are resolved correctly in a 'auto' sized grid area after changing the item's width and forcing a new layout.
grid-items-percentage-margins-009 = Grid items with percentage margins
  • Checks grid items percentage margins are resolved correctly in a 'auto' sized grid area after changing the item's width and forcing a new layout.
grid-items-percentage-margins-010 = Grid items with percentage margins
  • Checks grid items percentage margins are resolved correctly in a 'auto' sized grid area after changing the item's width and forcing a new layout.
grid-items-percentage-margins-011 = Grid items with percentage margins
  • Checks grid items percentage margins are resolved correctly in a 'auto' sized grid area after changing the item's width and forcing a new layout.
grid-items-percentage-margins-012 = Grid items with percentage margins
  • Checks grid items percentage margins are resolved correctly in a 'auto' sized grid area after changing the item's width and forcing a new layout.
grid-items-percentage-margins-013 = Grid items with percentage margins
  • Checks grid items percentage margins are resolved correctly in a 'auto' sized grid area after changing the item's width and forcing a new layout.
grid-items-percentage-margins-014 = Grid items with percentage margins
  • Checks grid items percentage margins are resolved correctly in a 'auto' sized grid area after changing the item's width and forcing a new layout.
grid-items-percentage-margins-vertical-lr-001 Script Grid items with percentage margins vertical-lr
  • Checks grid items percentage margins are resolved against the inline size of their grid area (in a fixed size track) in a vertical-lr grid container.
grid-items-percentage-margins-vertical-lr-002 Script Grid items with percentage margins vertical-lr
  • Checks grid items percentage margins are resolved against the inline size of their grid area (in a track with fixed max sizing function and intrinsic min) in a vertical-lr grid container.
grid-items-percentage-margins-vertical-rl-001 Script Grid items with percentage margins vertical-rl
  • Checks grid items percentage margins are resolved against the inline size of their grid area (in a fixed size track) in a vertical-rl grid container.
grid-items-percentage-margins-vertical-rl-002 Script Grid items with percentage margins vertical-rl
  • Checks grid items percentage margins are resolved against the inline size of their grid area (in a track with fixed max sizing function and intrinsic min) in a vertical-rl grid container.
grid-items-percentage-paddings-001 Script Grid items with percentage paddings
  • Checks grid items percentage paddings are resolved against the inline size of their grid area (in a fixed size track).
grid-items-percentage-paddings-002 Script Grid items with percentage paddings
  • Checks grid items percentage paddings are resolved against the inline size of their grid area (in a track with fixed max sizing function and intrinsic min).
grid-items-percentage-paddings-003 = Grid items with percentage paddings
  • Checks grid items percentage paddings are resolved correctly in a 'auto' sized grid area after changing the item's width and forcing a new layout.
grid-items-percentage-paddings-004 = Grid items with percentage paddings
  • Checks grid items percentage paddings are resolved correctly in a 'auto' sized grid area after changing the item's width and forcing a new layout.
grid-items-percentage-paddings-005 = Grid items with percentage paddings
  • Checks grid items percentage paddings are resolved correctly in a 'auto' sized grid area after changing the item's width and forcing a new layout.
grid-items-percentage-paddings-006 = Grid items with percentage paddings
  • Checks grid items percentage paddings are resolved correctly in a 'auto' sized grid area after changing the item's width and forcing a new layout.
grid-items-percentage-paddings-007 = Grid items with percentage paddings
  • Checks grid items percentage paddings are resolved correctly in a 'auto' sized grid area after changing the item's width and forcing a new layout.
grid-items-percentage-paddings-008 = Grid items with percentage paddings
  • Checks grid items percentage paddings are resolved correctly in a 'auto' sized grid area after changing the item's width and forcing a new layout.
grid-items-percentage-paddings-009 = Grid items with percentage paddings
  • Checks grid items percentage paddings are resolved correctly in a 'auto' sized grid area after changing the item's width and forcing a new layout.
grid-items-percentage-paddings-010 = Grid items with percentage paddings
  • Checks grid items percentage paddings are resolved correctly in a 'auto' sized grid area after changing the item's width and forcing a new layout.
grid-items-percentage-paddings-011 = Grid items with percentage paddings
  • Checks grid items percentage paddings are resolved correctly in a 'auto' sized grid area after changing the item's width and forcing a new layout.
grid-items-percentage-paddings-012 = Grid items with percentage paddings
  • Checks grid items percentage paddings are resolved correctly in a 'auto' sized grid area after changing the item's width and forcing a new layout.
grid-items-percentage-paddings-013 = Grid items with percentage paddings
  • Checks grid items percentage paddings are resolved correctly in a 'auto' sized grid area after changing the item's width and forcing a new layout.
grid-items-percentage-paddings-014 = Grid items with percentage paddings
  • Checks grid items percentage paddings are resolved correctly in a 'auto' sized grid area after changing the item's width and forcing a new layout.
grid-items-percentage-paddings-vertical-lr-001 Script Grid items with percentage paddings vertical-lr
  • Checks grid items percentage paddings are resolved against the inline size of their grid area (in a fixed size track) in a vertical-lr grid container.
grid-items-percentage-paddings-vertical-lr-002 Script Grid items with percentage paddings vertical-lr
  • Checks grid items percentage paddings are resolved against the inline size of their grid area (in a track with fixed max sizing function and intrinsic min) in a vertical-lr grid container.
grid-items-percentage-paddings-vertical-rl-001 Script Grid items with percentage paddings vertical-rl
  • Checks grid items percentage paddings are resolved against the inline size of their grid area (in a fixed size track) in a vertical-rl grid container.
grid-items-percentage-paddings-vertical-rl-002 Script Grid items with percentage paddings vertical-rl
  • Checks grid items percentage paddings are resolved against the inline size of their grid area (in a track with fixed max sizing function and intrinsic min) in a vertical-rl grid container.
+ 6.5 Z-axis Ordering: the z-index property
grid-inline-items-inline-blocks-001 = Paint order of grid items within an inline grid is the same as inline blocks
grid-inline-z-axis-ordering-001 = Ahem 'z-index' property controls the z-axis order of grid items within an inline grid
grid-inline-z-axis-ordering-002 = Ahem 'z-index' property controls the z-axis order of grid items within an inline grid
grid-inline-z-axis-ordering-003 = Ahem 'z-index' property controls the z-axis order of grid items within an inline grid
grid-inline-z-axis-ordering-004 = Ahem 'z-index' property controls the z-axis order of grid items within an inline grid
grid-inline-z-axis-ordering-005 = Ahem 'z-index' property controls the z-axis order of grid items within an inline grid
grid-inline-z-axis-ordering-overlapped-items-001 = Ahem 'z-index' property controls the grid items stacking order within an inline grid
grid-inline-z-axis-ordering-overlapped-items-002 = Ahem 'z-index' property controls the grid items stacking order within an inline grid
grid-inline-z-axis-ordering-overlapped-items-003 = Ahem 'z-index' property controls the grid items stacking order within an inline grid
grid-inline-z-axis-ordering-overlapped-items-004 = Ahem 'z-index' property controls the grid items stacking order within an inline grid
grid-inline-z-axis-ordering-overlapped-items-005 = Ahem 'z-index' property controls the grid items stacking order within an inline grid
grid-inline-z-axis-ordering-overlapped-items-006 = Ahem 'z-index' property controls the grid items stacking order within an inline grid
grid-items-inline-blocks-001 = Paint order of grid items is the same as inline blocks
grid-layout-z-order-a = z order
  • the layout should behave the same as reference.
grid-layout-z-order-b = z order
  • the layout should behave the same as reference.
grid-z-axis-ordering-001 = Ahem 'z-index' property controls the z-axis order of grid items
grid-z-axis-ordering-002 = Ahem 'z-index' property controls the z-axis order of grid items
grid-z-axis-ordering-003 = Ahem 'z-index' property controls the z-axis order of grid items
grid-z-axis-ordering-004 = Ahem 'z-index' property controls the z-axis order of grid items
grid-z-axis-ordering-005 = Ahem 'z-index' property controls the z-axis order of grid items
grid-z-axis-ordering-overlapped-items-001 = Ahem 'z-index' property controls the grid items stacking order
grid-z-axis-ordering-overlapped-items-002 = Ahem 'z-index' property controls the grid items stacking order
grid-z-axis-ordering-overlapped-items-003 = Ahem 'z-index' property controls the grid items stacking order
grid-z-axis-ordering-overlapped-items-004 = Ahem 'z-index' property controls the grid items stacking order
grid-z-axis-ordering-overlapped-items-005 = Ahem 'z-index' property controls the grid items stacking order
grid-z-axis-ordering-overlapped-items-006 = Ahem 'z-index' property controls the grid items stacking order
+ 6.6 Automatic Minimum Size of Grid Items
grid-flex-track-intrinsic-sizes-003 Intrinsic contribution of an item with flex tracks
  • This test checks that the intrinsic contribution of a single grid item is distributed correctly among the tracks it spans when flexible tracks are involved, and the item's size is determined by its children rather than explicitly.
grid-minimum-size-grid-items-001 = Ahem Minimum size of grid items
  • Checks that minimum size for grid items is the content size.
grid-minimum-size-grid-items-002 = Minimum size of grid items
  • Checks that minimum size for grid items is the content size.
grid-minimum-size-grid-items-003 = Minimum size of grid items
  • Checks that minimum size for grid items is the specified size regardless of the content size.
grid-minimum-size-grid-items-004 = Minimum size of grid items
  • Checks that minimum size for grid items is the specified size regardless of the content size.
grid-minimum-size-grid-items-005 = Bitmaps Minimum size of grid items
  • Checks that minimum size for grid items is the content size.
grid-minimum-size-grid-items-006 = Bitmaps Minimum size of grid items
  • Checks that minimum size for grid items is the specified size for width (regardless the content size) and the transferred size of the image for height (even when content size is bigger).
grid-minimum-size-grid-items-007 = Bitmaps Minimum size of grid items
  • Checks that minimum size for grid items is the specified size for width (regardless the content size) and the transferred size of the image for height (even when content size is smaller).
grid-minimum-size-grid-items-008 = Bitmaps Minimum size of grid items
  • Checks that minimum size for grid items is the specified size for height (regardless the content size) and the transferred size of the image for width (even when content size is bigger).
grid-minimum-size-grid-items-009 = Bitmaps Minimum size of grid items
  • Checks that minimum size for grid items is the specified size for height (regardless the content size) and the transferred size for width of the image (even when content size is smaller).
grid-minimum-size-grid-items-010 = Minimum size of grid items
  • Checks that automatic minimum size gets clamped, so the grid item doesn't overflow the fixed size area.
grid-minimum-size-grid-items-011 = Minimum size of grid items
  • Checks that automatic minimum size gets clamped, so the grid item doesn't overflow the fixed size area.
grid-minimum-size-grid-items-012 = Minimum size of grid items
  • Checks that automatic minimum size gets clamped, so the grid item doesn't overflow the fixed size area.
grid-minimum-size-grid-items-013 = Ahem Minimum size of grid items
  • Checks that automatic minimum size is not clamped if the grid item has not stretch alignment.
grid-minimum-size-grid-items-014 = Minimum size of grid items
  • Checks that automatic minimum size is not clamped if the grid item has not stretch alignment.
grid-minimum-size-grid-items-015 = Minimum size of grid items
  • Checks that automatic minimum size is not clamped if the grid item if it spans some not fixed grid tracks.
grid-minimum-size-grid-items-016 = Minimum size of grid items
  • Checks that automatic minimum size is clamped if the grid item only spans fixed grid tracks.
grid-minimum-size-grid-items-017 = Minimum size of grid items
  • Checks that automatic minimum size is clamped even if the track has an 'auto' min track sizing function as the max track sizing function is fixed.
grid-minimum-size-grid-items-018 = Minimum size of grid items
  • Checks that automatic minimum size is clamped even if the track has an 'auto' min track sizing function as the max track sizing function is fixed.
grid-minimum-size-grid-items-019 = Minimum size of grid items
  • Checks that automatic minimum size gets clamped, so the grid item doesn't overflow the fixed size area.
grid-minimum-size-grid-items-020 = Minimum size of grid items
  • Checks that automatic minimum size is clamped if the grid item only spans fixed grid tracks.
grid-minimum-size-grid-items-021 Script Minimum size of grid items
  • Checks how automatic minimum size of images affect to the calculation of the grid container size and the grid tracks. Verifies the sizing of the image in the different cases too.
grid-minimum-size-grid-items-022 Script Minimum size of grid items
  • Checks that automatic minimum size is clamped with different column sizes.
grid-minimum-size-grid-items-023 Script Minimum size of grid items
  • Checks that automatic minimum size is clamped with different row sizes.
grid-minimum-size-grid-items-024 Script Minimum size of grid items
  • Checks that automatic minimum size is clamped with different column sizes and spaning items.
grid-minimum-size-grid-items-025 Script Minimum size of grid items
  • Checks that automatic minimum size is clamped with different row sizes and spaning items.