3.1 Shadow DOM Selection Model |
css-scoping-shadow-assigned-node-with-before-after |
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CSS Scoping Module Level 1 - ::before and ::after pseudo class' contents on a node assigned to a slot element must be rendered
css-scoping-shadow-assigned-node-with-rules |
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CSS Scoping Module Level 1 - Only rules outside a shadow tree must apply to nodes assigned to a slot in the shadow tree.
css-scoping-shadow-host-with-before-after |
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CSS Scoping Module Level 1 - ::before and ::after pseudo elements' contents on a shadow host must be rendered
css-scoping-shadow-invisible-slot |
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CSS Scoping Module Level 1 - elements with a distribution list should generate boxes in the formatting tree.
css-scoping-shadow-root-hides-children |
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CSS Scoping Module Level 1 - a shadow tree hides non-distributed children of the host
css-scoping-shadow-slot |
= |
CSS Scoping Module Level 1 - elements with a distribution list should generate boxes in the formatting tree.
css-scoping-shadow-slot-display-override |
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CSS Scoping Module Level 1 - overriding slot element's display value should generate boxes
css-scoping-shadow-slot-fallback |
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CSS Scoping Module Level 1 - slot element without distributed nodes must render its fallback content
css-scoping-shadow-slot-style |
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CSS Scoping Module Level 1 - Ensure that slot's style is inherited by slotted children
css-scoping-shadow-with-outside-rules |
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CSS Scoping Module Level 1 - a selector outside a shadow tree should not match nodes inside the shadow tree
css-scoping-shadow-with-rules |
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CSS Scoping Module Level 1 - a selector inside a shadow tree is matched against nodes in the shadow tree
css-scoping-shadow-with-rules-no-style-leak |
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CSS Scoping Module Level 1 - a style rule inside a shadow tree doesn't affect the normal dom