CSS Values and Units Module Level 3 CR Test Suite

Numeric Data Types (7 tests)

Test Refs Flags Info
+ 4 Numeric Data Types
+ 4.1 Range Restrictions and Range Definition Notation
+ 4.2 Integers: the type
numbers-units-001 = Invalid Parsing invalid numbers - alphanumeric characters
  • An integer cannot have alphanumeric characters within it.
numbers-units-004 = Parsing integer numbers with '+'
  • Integers can be preceded by '+'.
+ 4.3 Real Numbers: the type
numbers-units-002 Parsing decimal values - decimal with multiple decimal digits
  • A number can be zero or more digits followed by a dot (.) followed by multiple digits.
numbers-units-003 = Invalid Parsing invalid decimal values - alphanumeric characters within number
  • An alphanumeric character cannot be within the number value.
animation-iteration-count-calc Script Animation count accepts calc()
+ 4.4 Numbers with Units: dimension values
+ 4.4.1 Compatible Units
+ 4.5 Percentages: the type
numbers-units-016 = Invalid Parsing invalid percentage values - decimal value with multiple decimals
  • Percentage assignments with more than one decimal are invalid.
numbers-units-017 = Parsing of percentage values - 0%
  • Percentage of 0% is valid and calculates to 0.
+ 4.6 Mixing Percentages and Dimensions