Test | Refs | Flags | Info |
+ 8 Functional Notations | |||
+ 8.1 Mathematical Expressions: calc() | |||
calc-in-counter-001 | = | counter-* properties with a calc() expression | |
calc-interpolation | Script | calc interpolation
calc-min-height | = | calc() function in 'min-height' and 'box-sizing: border-box' (complex)
calc-nesting | Script | nested calc() functions | |
font-148 | = | Font shorthand using calc() value for font-size
offset-supports-calc | Script | Motion Path Module Level 1: calc values
subpixel-table-cell-height-001 | = |
text-combine-upright-parsing-digits-002 | DOM/JSScript | CSS Writing Modes: parsing text-combine-upright with digits plus calc() computing to valid digits
text-combine-upright-parsing-invalid-002 | DOM/JSInvalidScript | CSS Writing Modes: parsing text-combine-upright with digits plus calc() computing to invalid digits
transforms-support-calc | Script | CSS Transform Module Level 2: calc values
+ 8.1.1 Syntax | |||
+ 8.1.2 Type Checking | |||
+ 8.1.3 Computed Value | |||
calc-angle-values | Script | calc() function with angle values
calc-background-position-002 | Script | computed value of 'background-position' when specified with calc() function
calc-time-values | Script | calc() function with time values
getcomputedstyle-border-radius-002 | Script | percentages in calc() and computed border-radius values | |
+ 8.1.4 Range Checking | |||
+ 8.1.5 Serialization | |||
+ 8.2 Attribute References: attr() |