CSSOM View Module Level 1 Test Suite

Extensions to the Element Interface (17 tests)

Test Refs Flags Info
+ 6 Extensions to the Element Interface
cssom-getboundingclientrect-001 DOM/JSScript CSSOM View - 6.1 - getBoundingClientRect tests
cssom-getboundingclientrect-002 DOM/JSScript getBoundingClientRect of element outside DOM
  • Calling getBoundingClientRect on an element that is outside of the DOM (and therefore does not have an associated layout box) should result in an all-zeroes DOMRect and should definitely not throw an error.
cssom-getboundingclientrect-vertical-rl = DOM/JS CSSOM View - 6.1 - getBoundingClientRect tests
cssom-getboundingclientrect-002 DOM/JSScript getBoundingClientRect of element outside DOM
  • Calling getBoundingClientRect on an element that is outside of the DOM (and therefore does not have an associated layout box) should result in an all-zeroes DOMRect and should definitely not throw an error.
cssom-getclientrects DOM/JSScript getClientRects of element outside DOM
  • Calling getClientRects on an element that is outside of the DOM (and therefore does not have an associated layout box) should result in an empty DOMRectList and should definitely not throw an error.
cssom-getclientrects-002 Script CSSOM View - GetClientRects().length is the same regardless source new lines
getclientrects-inline =
getclientrects-inline-atomic-child Script
getclientrects-inline-inline-child Script
ttwf-js-cssomview-getclientrects-length DOM/JSScript the length of getClientRects
  • getClientRects will return rects of the correct number
scrollwidthheight DOM/JSScript CSSOM View scrollWidth and scrollHeight
scrollwidthheightwhennotscrollable DOM/JSScript CSSOM View scrollWidth/scrollHeight (for nonscrollable elements)
+ 6.1 Element Scrolling Members