4.1 width |
calc-in-media-queries-001 |
= |
Calc function inside media queries
- The calc() expression is supported in the min-width media query.
calc-in-media-queries-002 |
= |
Calc function inside media queries
- The calc() expression is supported in the min-width media query properly (=with range clamping).
media-queries-002 |
The 'width' media feature (for visual devices with desktop viewport widths)
min-width-001 |
= |
min-width length value approximation
- min-width length values that are too large to be supported must be clamped, rounded to infinity, or approximated, but not overflowed to a small or negative value.
min-width-tables-001 |
= |
Table Layout and Viewport Resizing
- Resizing a page which toggles the `display` of elements between `block` and `table-cell` based on the viewport width should not cause unnecessary wrapping of the table.
4.6 aspect-ratio |
aspect-ratio-001 |
= |
min-aspect-ratio - 59/79 ('aspect-ratio' property with prefix 'min')
- The 'aspect-ratio' property with prefix 'min' set '59/79' means that the minimum of ratio is '59/79', only and only if the value of the 'width' to the value of the 'height' is greater than value of 'min-aspect-ratio', the style sheet will be applied. The test runner will run this test in a 800/600 viewport (https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt/pull/12695).
aspect-ratio-002 |
= |
min-aspect-ratio - 0/0 ('aspect-ratio' property with prefix 'min')
- The 'aspect-ratio' property with prefix 'min' set '0/0' (which is converted into '1/0') is infinite that means the style sheet specified by 'min-aspect-ratio' will not be applied.
aspect-ratio-003 |
= |
max-aspect-ratio - 1280/720 ('aspect-ratio' property with prefix 'max')
- The 'aspect-ratio' property with prefix 'max' set '1280/720' means that the maximum of ratio is '1280/720', only and only if the value of the 'width' to the value of the 'height' is lower than value of 'max-aspect-ratio', the style sheet will be applied. The test runner will run this test in a 800/600 viewport (https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt/pull/12695)
aspect-ratio-004 |
= |
max-aspect-ratio - 0/0 ('aspect-ratio' property with prefix 'max')
- The 'aspect-ratio' property with prefix 'max' set '0/0' (which is converted into '1/0') is infinite that means the style sheet specified by 'max-aspect-ratio' will be applied.
4.7 device-aspect-ratio |
device-aspect-ratio-001 |
= |
max-device-aspect-ratio - 1281/1024 ('device-aspect-ratio' property with prefix 'max')
- The 'device-aspect-ratio' property with prefix 'max' set '1281/1024' means that the maximum of ratio is '1281/1024', only and only if the device value of 'width' to value of 'height' is lower than value of 'max-device-aspect-ratio', the style sheet will be applied.
device-aspect-ratio-002 |
= |
max-device-aspect-ratio - 0/0 ('device-aspect-ratio' property with prefix 'max')
- The 'device-aspect-ratio' property with prefix 'max' set '0/0' (which is converted into '1/0') is infinite that means the style sheet specified by 'max-device-aspect-ratio' will be applied.
device-aspect-ratio-003 |
= |
min-device-aspect-ratio - 1279/1024 ('device-aspect-ratio' property with prefix 'min')
- The 'device-aspect-ratio' property with prefix 'min' set '1279/1024' means that the minimum of ratio is '1279/1024', only and only if the device value of 'width' to value of 'height' is greater than value of 'min-device-aspect-ratio', the style sheet will be applied.
device-aspect-ratio-004 |
= |
min-device-aspect-ratio - 0/0 ('device-aspect-ratio' property with prefix 'min')
- The 'device-aspect-ratio' property with prefix 'min' set '0/0' (which is converted into '1/0') is infinite that means the style sheet specified by 'min-device-aspect-ratio' will not be applied.
device-aspect-ratio-005 |
= |
device-aspect-ratio - 1280/1024 (basic)
- The 'device-aspect-ratio' property set '1280/1024' means that the ratio is '1280/1024', only and only if the device value of 'width' to value of 'height' is equals with value of 'device-aspect-ratio', the style sheet will be applied.
device-aspect-ratio-006 |
= |
device-aspect-ratio - 0/0 (invalid)
- The 'device-aspect-ratio' property set '0/0' is invalid that means the style sheet specified by 'device-aspect-ratio' will not be applied.