7.1 The Directionality Pseudo-class: :dir() |
dir-style-01a |
= |
:dir() selector
- Test checks :dir() basic functions with valid and invalid values.
dir-style-01b |
= |
:dir() selector
- Test checks :dir() basic functions after dynamic directionality change on elements.
dir-style-02a |
= |
:dir() selector
- Test checks :dir() basic functions when default document directionality is rtl.
dir-style-02b |
= |
:dir() selector
- Test checks :dir() basic functions when document directionality is dynamically changed from ltr to rtl.
dir-style-03a |
= |
:dir() selector
- Test checks if :dir() can work with other selectors correctly.
dir-style-03b |
= |
:dir() selector
- Test checks if :dir() can work with other selectors correctly after a dynamic directionality change on specified divs.
dir-style-04 |
= |
:dir() selector
- Test checks :dir() basic functions on runtime added elements.