W3C CSS Test Suite Repository - Contributors Section ---------------------------------------------------- This directory contains a subdirectory for submissions for each test suite contributor. Tests inside a contributor's directory are managed by that contributor. Approved tests are kept in ../approved/, and are managed as a common resource. Do not touch anything outside your own directory unless you have permission from the directory's owner or from a test suite Owner or Peer. Inside your contributors directory there are two subdirectories: incoming/ is a scratchspace, put files there in whatever format you want, you can use it as a work space or as a holding area. submitted/ is for tests in the *correct format* only, put files here when they are ready to be submitted for review http://wiki.csswg.org/test/css2.1/format If they're not in the right format, leave them in incoming/. Please avoid name conflicts when adding files to your submitted/ directory. A list of all test file names in use can be found at TBD