Testing Statement #2 Below of Section 4.0 of CSS1 Spec


If statement #2 is passed, this paragraph should have .25cm padding, 2px border dashed, and 2cm margin, surrounding the core content, which is the text of this paragraph. The rules applied are "P {padding: .25cm; border: 2px dashed; margin: 2cm;}" The text in this paragraph should be indented from the left and right edges of the canvas by factor equal to the sum of margin, border, and padding values. All other properties of this paragraph should be UA-default.

  1. This list-item should have no borders, margins, or padding, and so should abut the left and right edges of the canvas. The rules applied are "ol li {padding: 0; border:0; margin:0}". All other properties should be UA-default.
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