Testing Statement #10 Below of Section 5.2.5 of CSS1 Spec


If statement #10 above is passed, then:

This paragraph should be light (local UA value according to font family). The rule applied is "#id5 {font-weight: 100}"

This paragraph should be slightly darker than above (local UA value according to font family). The rule applied is "#id6 {font-weight: 200}"

This paragraph should be slightly darker than above (local UA value according to font family). The rule applied is "#id7 {font-weight: 300}"

This paragraph should be slightly darker than above (local UA value according to font family) The rule applied is "#id8 {font-weight: 400}"

This paragraph should be slightly darker than above (local UA value according to font family) The rule applied is "#id9 {font-weight: 500}".

This paragraph should be slightly darker than above (local UA value according to font family) The rule applied is "#ida {font-weight: 600}"

This paragraph should be slightly darker than above (local UA value according to font family) The rule applied is "#idb {font-weight: 700}"

This paragraph should be slightly darker than above (local UA value according to font family) The rule applied is "#idc {font-weight: 800}"

This paragraph should be slightly darker than above (local UA value according to font family) The rule applied is "#idd {font-weight: 900}" All other properties should be UA-default. To move directly to the next test, click here