The font for this blockquote element is UA-default, or "not defined for shorthand elements". No explicit CSS1 rules are applied here.
This paragraph should have a font of 12pt sans-serif. The rule applied is "p {font: 12pt sans-serif}". So the font property applies to the "p" element, and to the "blockquote" element above. Emphasized text within this paragraph should have a font of 6pt sans-serif. So the font property applies to the "em" element. The rule applied here is "em {font: 50% sans-serif}", where the 50% applies to the font size of the parent element; therefore the percentage value is allowed on "font-size". Strong text here has the same font as the parent element, because "strong" is a child of "p", and so the font property is inherited. All other properties of this page should be UA-default. NOTE: If specified font is not available, UA-default will be used. To move directly to the next test, click here