Testing Statement #2 Below of Section 5.3.4 of CSS1 Spec


If statement #2 above is true, this paragraph should have a flag image which is repeated both horizontally and vertically. The rules applied are: "p {background-image; url(flagbg.gif)}" and "p {background-repeat: repeat}". Here is some extra text provided in order to test this more effectively. Here is some extra text provided in order to test this more effectively.

This h3 heading has a flag image with the image repeating horizontally. The rules applied are "h3 {background-image; url(flagbg(gif)}" and "h3 {background-repeat: repeat-x}". Here is some extra text provided in order to test this more effectively. Here is some extra text provided in order to test this more effectively.

This h4 heading hasgreen oval button image which repeats vertically. The rules applied are "h4 {background-image; url(ovalbbut.gif)}" and "h4 {background-repeat: repeat-y}". Here is some extra text provided in order to test this more effectively. Here is some extra text provided in order to test this more effectively.

This emphasized text should have a green oval button background image which does not repeat. The rules applied here are "em {background-image: url(ovalbbut.gif)}" and "em {background-repeat: no-repeat}". Here is some extra text provided in order to test this more effectively. Here is some extra text provided in order to test this more effectively. All other properties of this page should be UA-default.