Testing Statement #3 Below of Section 5.3.4 of CSS1 Spec
3. For "background-repeat", initial is "repeat", it applies to all elements,
it is not inherited, and percentage values are N/A.
If statement #3 above is passed, then:
This blockquote should have a flag pattern with a repeating pattern.
The rules applied are: "blockquote {background-image: url(flagbg.gif);
background-repeat: }".
Since there is no value specified for background-repeat, the initial
value (repeat) is used.
Also, the background-repeat property applies to the blockquote element.
This paragraph has an image that is repeated in the horizontal
The rule applied is "p {background-repeat: repeat-x}".
Also, "p {background-image: url(flagbg.gif)}"
So the background-repeat property applies to the "p" element.
This emphasized text within this paragraph has no repeating
background image, because the "background-repeat" property does not
inherit, and "em" is a descendant of "p".
However, the background-repeat property does apply to the
"em" element.
This h3 heading has an oval button image which should be repeated
according to the UA-default property. The nonsensical rule applied
is "h3 {background-repeat: 200%}", and since percentages do not
apply, this rule shuld be ignored. However, the background-repeat
property does apply to the h3 element.
Also, "h3 {background-image: url(ovalbbut.gif)}".
This h4 element has a flag pattern image which is not repeated.
The rules applied are "h4 {background-image: url(flagbg.gif);
background-repeat: no-repeat}".
Here is some more text to test this more effectively here.
Here is some more text to test this more effectively here.
This strong text has
an oval button image which is repeated in the x-direction. The
rules applied here are "strong {background-image: url(ovalbbut.gif);
background-repeat: repeat-x}".
Note that the background-repeat property does apply to the h4 and
strong elements.
All other properties of this page should be UA-default.