Testing Statement #19 Below of Section 5.3.6 of CSS1 Spec


If statement #19 above is passed, this paragraph should have a flag image which is at the bottom of this paragraph text. The rule applied is "#id1 {background-position: bottom}".

This paragraph should have a flag image which is bottom centered with respect to this paragraph text. The rule applied is "#id2 {background-position: bottom center}". This paragraph should look like the one above.

This paragraph should have a flag image which is centered at the bottom with respect to this paragraph text. The rule applied is "#id3 {background-position: center bottom}". This paragraph should look like the one above.

This paragraph should have a flag image which is 50% across and 100% down this paragraph text. The rule applied is "#id4 {background-position: 50%100%}". This paragraph should look like the one above.

The rule "p {background-image: url(flagbg.gif)}" is also applied above. All other properties of this page should be UA-default.