Testing Statement #2 Below of Section 5.3.6 of CSS1 Spec
2. For "background-position, possible values are "[percentage | length]{1,2} |
[top | center | bottom] || [left | center | right]"
If statement #2 above is true, this paragraph should have a flag pattern
which is to the top right.
The rule applied is "p {background-attachment: top right}".
This h3 element should have a flag pattern which is centered towards
the bottom of this element.
The rule applied is "h3 {background-position: bottom center}".
This h4 element should have a flag pattern which is at the top left
of the element.
The rule applied is "h4 {background-position: top left}".
Here is some more text supplied in order to test this more effectively.
Here is some additional text.
This emphasized text should have a flag pattern which is 2cm to the
right and 2cm below the upper left corner of this text.
rule applied is "em {background-position: 2cm 2cm}".
This strong text should have a flag pattern which is centered.
The rule applied is "strong {background-position; 50% 50%}".
Note that the rule "p,h3,h4,em,strong {background-image: url(flagbg.gif)"
also applies above.
All other properties of this page should be UA-default.