Testing Statement #4 Below of Section 5.4.1 of CSS1 Spec


If statement #4 above is passed, this paragraph should have an increase over the UA-defined spacing algorithm result of 0.8em. The rule specified is "#id1 {word-spacing: 0.8em}".

This paragraph should have a UA-default word spacing. The UA selects its own algorithm. No explicit CSS rules are applied.

This h3 heading should have an increase of 0.3em (over default) in word spacing (normal justification). THe rule applied is "#id2 {word-spacing: 0.3em}".

This h3 heading shouldbe right justified, so the projected increase of 0.3em over default may be influenced. This may look different than the heading above. THe rule applied is '#id3 {text-align: right; word-spacing: 0.3em}".

All other properties of this page should be UA-default.