Testing Statement #3 Below of Section 5.5.16 of CSS1 Spec
3. The "border-color" property sets the color of the four borders. "border-color'
can have from one to four values, and the values are set on the different sides
are for "border-width' above.
Note: border-style of dashed applies here.
If statement #3 above is passed, this paragraph should have a border
color of red all around.
The rule applied is "p {border-color: red}".
This h3 heading should have a border color top and bottom of red, and
right and left of blue.
The rule applied is "h3 {border-color: red blue}".
This h4 heading should have a top border color of red, a right and left
border color of blue, and a bottom border color of green.
The rule applied is "h4 {border-color: red green blue}".
This blockquote element should have a top border color of red, a right
border color of blue, a bottom border color of green, and a left border
color of yellow.
The rule applied is 'blockquote {border-color: red green blue yellow}".
All other properties of this page should be UA-defualt.