Testing Statement #1 Below of Section 6.2 of CSS1 Spec


If statement #1 above is passed, this paragraph should have a line height of 150% of element's font size. The rule applied is "#id1 {line-height: +150%}". There is an explicit "+" sign here.

This paragraph should have a line height of 150% of element's font size. It should look like paragraph above. The rule applied is "#id2 {line-height: 150%}". There is an implied "+" sign here.

This paragraph should have a line height of 150% of element's font size. It should look like the paragraph above. The rule applied is "#id3 {line-height: 150.%}". The number has a decimal point included.

This paragraph should have a line height of -150% (or UA-default)? based on element's font size. The rule applied is "#id4 {line-height: -150%}". The rule is like the first paragraph rule above but instead of a "+" sign there is a "-" sign.

All other properties of this page should be UA-default.