Testing Statement #10 Below of Section 7.1 of CSS1 Spec
10. A declaration-block starts with a left curly brace and ends with the
matching right curly brace. In between there is a list of zero or more
declarations, separated by semicolons.
If statement #10 above is passed, this paragraph should be UA-default.
The declaration-block rule applied is "p {}" with no declarations included.
This h3 heading should be bold italic blue. The declaration-block rule
applied is 'h3 {color: blue; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;}".
This h4 heading should be UA-default? The declaration-block rule stated
is "h4 {color: red font-weight: 100}", which does not have a semicolon
between the declarations, so should be ignored?
All other properties of this page should be UA-default.
Your browser should render this page similarly to this
reference image or to thisreference image.