Testing Statement #15 Below of Section 7.1 of CSS1 Spec


If statement #15 above is passed, this paragraph should be red. The rule applied is ".RED-RED {color: red}", where the CLASS name contains a dash, and letters from A-Z (any maximum length?).

This paragraph should be UA-default. The rule stated is ".-NEW {color: aqua}" but the CLASS name has a dash in front, which is illegal. So the rule should be ignored.

This paragraph should be blue. THe rule applied is "#b109 {color: blue}", where the ID name has lowercase letter from a-z and digits from 0 to 9.

This paragraph should be purple. The rule stated is "#99 {color: purple}".

This h3 heading should be silver. The rule applied is "h3 {color: silver}", where the element selector is legal (characters from a-z and digits from 0-9).

All other properties of this page should be UA-default.