Testing Statement #7 Below of Section 7.1 of CSS1 Spec
7. An at-rule consists of everything up to and including the next semicolon
or the next block, whichever comes first. A CSS1 UA that encounters an at-rule
that starts with an at-keyword other than "@import" ignores the whole of the
at-rule and continues parsing after it. It also ignores any at-rule that
starts with "@import" if it doesn't occur at the top of the style sheet, i.e.,
if it occurs after any rules (even ignored rules).
If statement #7 above is passed, this paragraph should be UA-default.
The rules specified are "@import url (testa.css); P {color: olive}", and
@import url (test9.css);". The file testa.css contains "P {font-weight:
bold; font-style: italic;}". The second import statement is illegal, so
should be ignored.
All other properties of this page should be UA-default.