Testing Second Testable Statement of Sec 12.2 of CSS2 Specification
2. The content property has initial empty string, it applies to :before and
:after pseudo-elements, it is not inherited, percentages are N/A, and media
is all.
If statement #2 above is passed, then
this blockquote should have initial of empty string. No explicit CSS rule
This paragraph should have content of "My Intro:" inserted after it.
Rule is "p:after {content: "My Intro:"}"
This emphasized text should have no content inserted, even though
em is a descendant of p, since content property is not inherited.
This h3 element should have a content (uri) of oval button inserted after it.
Rule is "h3:after {content: uri(ovalbbut.gif)}".
This h4 heading should have content of counter() inserted after it.
Rule is "h4:after {content: counter()}".
This h5 heading should have content of open quote inserted after it.
Rule is "h5:after {content: open-quote}".
This h6 heading should have content of UA-default .
Percentages don't apply.
Rule is "h6:after {content: 200%}".
From the list of elements above, it is obvious that content property applies
to all elements.
All other properties of this page should be UA-default.