If statement #4 above is passed, then
This p element should have a content of "paragraph". The counter should increment paragraph and reset to 2. The rule applied is "p:before {content: "paragraph" counter() ; counter-increment: paragraph; counter-reset: 2 } This enphasized text should have counter-reset of UA-default, no explicit CSS rule defined for em. em is a child of p, and counter- reset is not inherited.
This strong text should have counter-reset of none (initial value); rule applied is "strong:before {content: "strong " counter();counter-increment: 4}"This blockquote element should have content of "quote", counter-increment of 'quote' and counter-reset of "word". Rule applied is "blockquote:before {content: "quote" counter(); counter-increment: quote; counter-reset: word}"This h3 heading should have content of "heading", counter-increment of none, and counter-reset of none. Rule applied is "h3:before {content: "heading"; counter-increment: none; counter-reset: none}"
This h4 heading should have content of "heading", counter-increment of inherit and counter-reset of inherit. Rule applied is "h4:before {content: "heading"; counter-increment: inherit; counter-reset: inherit}"
This h5 heading should have counter-reset of UA-default (percentages don't apply). Rule specified is "h5:before{content: "heading"; counter-increment: 200%; counter-reset: 200%}".
From list of elements above, it is apparent that counter-reset property applies to all elements. All other properties of this page should be UA-default.