Testing Tenth Testable Statement of Sec 12.5 of CSS2 Specification


If statement #10 above is passed, then

This paragraph has a default style counter. The rule applied is "p:before {content: counter(p, none) }".

This div has a disc counter. The rule applied is div.note:before {content: counter(notecntr, disc) " " }".
This blockquote has a "hebrew" counter. The rule applied is "blockquote:after { " [" counter(bq, hebrew) "]" }".

This h3 heading as an upper-latin counter. The rule applied is "h3:before {content: counter(chno, upper-latin) ". "}'.

This h4 heading has an upper-roman counter. The rule applied is "h4:before {content: counter(section, upper-roman) "-"}".

All other properties of this page should be UA-default.