Testing 52nd Testable Statement of Sec 15.2 of CSS2 Specification


If statement #52 above is passed, then this paragraph should have fontfont of 12pt/14pt sans-serif. Rule applied is "#id1 {font: 12pt/14pt sans-serif}".

This paragraph should have font of 80% sans-serif. Rule applied is "#id2 {font: 80% sans-serif}".

This paragraph should have font of x-large/110% "new century schoolbook, serif. Rule applied is "#id3 {font: x-large/110% "new century schoolbook, serif}".

This paragraph should have font of bold italic large Palatino, serif. Rule applied is "#id4 {font: bold italic large Palatino, serif}".

This paragraph should have font of normal small-caps 120%/120% fantasy. Rule applied is "#id5 {font: normal small-caps 120%/120% fantasy}".

This paragraph should have font of oblique 12pt "Helvetica Nue", serif, and font-stretch of condensed. Rule applied is "#id6 {font: oblique 12pt "Helvetica Nue", serif; font- stretch: condensed}".

All other properties of this page should be UA-default. NOTE: If specified font families not available, UA-default is used.