Testing Fifth Testable Statement of Sec 19.7 of CSS2 Specification


If statement #5 above is passed, this paragraph should have a azimuth of behind. The rule applied si "p.comment {azimuth: behind}".

This h3 element should have a azimuth of 30deg THe rule applied is 'h3 {azimuth: 30deg}".

This h4 element should have a azimuth which is behind far right. The rule applied is "#12 {azimuth: behind far right}".

The table data below should have a azimuth of far-right The rule applied is "td.a {azimuth: far-right}".
All other properties of this page should be UA-default. If statement #18 above is passed, then this paragraph should have a azimuth property of url(bell.aiff). All other properties of this page should be UA-default. Your browser rendering of this page should look similar to this reference image or to this reference image.