Testing Ninth Testable Statement of Sec 5.7 of CSS2 Specification
9. For style sheets used with HTML, authors may use the dot notation as an
alternative to the "~=" notation when matching on the "class" attribute.
If statement #9 above is passed, then
this h3 heading should have a color of red .
The rule applied is ".fire {color: red}".
This h3 heading should be green, because of
rule ".pastoral {color: green}".
Comment-allez vous?
The above french should be hidden, because of rule
"*[lang=fr] {display: none}".
This english paragraph should be red, because of rule
"*[lang|="en"] {color: red}
This paragraph should be blue, because of rule
"p.pastoral.marine {color: blue}".
All other properties of this page should be UA-default.